Last night, I gave Dizzy his time capsule back. Inside, there was a red tie-dye tee and a letter.
In the letter, Dizzy told himself that the shirt had a stain that he couldn’t remove. He hoped that by the future, better stain-removing technology would exist so that he could get it out. But instead, he gave the stained shirt to me as my reward for returning the time capsule. Wow, this must be my lucky day.
And then today, I found a lost book over by the modern clock.
I soon reunited the book with its owner, Molly. She thanked me for returning it and she rewarded me with a dawn tee.
Up at the Dream Suite, I updated my dream town. Luna told me my most recent dream visitor was Roisin from Rainbow. Yesterday’s visitor was Nic from Swampy’s.
Tonight, I opened my gate around 10:00 p.m. for Friday Night Forest. Nobody came in right away, but I kept playing the game regardless. I started removing some extra flowers from around town. Other than the flowers lining my paths (and some near the park areas), I really don’t need all these extras. So I began cleaning up.
I only had a few available spots in my pockets, so it was easier and quicker to kill them with a shovel than pick them all up and sell them.
Also, I’m actually getting close to having all of the roses I need to line all my paths! Many of them are still black roses at the moment, but once the snow starts falling, I’ll change my town ordinance back to night owl. That will allow my flowers to wilt, giving me the opportunity to turn my black roses into gold roses.
Once the time reached 10:35 and still nobody had come over to visit, I decided to close my gate and wrap up my night. When I spoke to Daisy though, she told me she was planning on leaving town on November 18th. Of course, I made her change her mind. (I put up an invisible dog fence around her house).
For those who have been wondering, I will be getting Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival, but probably not until next week. I will not be making a separate blog for it, since a board game isn’t well suited to regular updates. But I will have one entry on Jeff’s Gaming Blog with my first impressions of the game. I’ll also upload a video of the game and eventually I’ll have a review as well. So stay tuned to JVGS for Animal Crossing updates!
Thanks for stopping by, everyone. And have a good weekend! I’ll see you next time.