Yesterday, I headed over to Tom’s town Tomville for a short visit. His friend Vanessa was also there.
I sold some peaches at his Re-Tail and I checked out Tom’s museum exhibits. But it wasn’t long before Tom ended the session and sent us all home. I didn’t even have a chance to finish typing goodbye!
I made a design of the French flag and then hung it up in my town. If you want it, just scan this. It is also available on my QR Codes page.

Diver’s Hood DLC
Today, Pete me outside my home with a letter from Nintendo. The DLC items haven’t stopped yet after all! Now through December 5th, you can download a diver’s hood from Nintendo Zone locations.
I headed over to the post office to pick up my new download from Pelly.
I really don’t care for the diver’s hood, but it could be useful on a bad hair day. I checked for it in the catalog, and it can be ordered for just 600 bells. Hey, at least it’s cheap!
A message on the bulletin board informed me that Velma won yesterday’s fishing tournament (I did not participate). Dizzy got second place and Agent S finished third. Congrats to the winners!
In Able Sisters, I wanted to try on a baseball shirt but Mabel wouldn’t let me until I undressed! Out of my wet suit, that is. But I’m naked underneath!
After I changed out of the wet suit, I decided to buy (and wear) the baseball shirt. I didn’t really have a shirt on under my wet suit anyway, so I needed something. (I was previously wearing my jack-o’-lantern design).
Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Crystal from Ophelia was my most recent dream visitor. Thank you for stopping by!