Christmas Lights!

Big Top asked me for a piece of fruit today, and I handed him a perfect peach. He loved it, and he thanked me by giving me a trunk measure. I don’t need this; he’s the one that has a trunk!

20151215_HNI_0083I was happy to see that Christmas lights are now on some cedar trees in town. That will certainly make things look more festive around here!


I noticed that the snowmam I built yesterday has moved a bit. Apparently, I built her too close to the standee, so she (somehow) shuffled over a bit. Well, that’s better than having her disappear! Still, I should put up a security camera to see how she does it!


Molly was sitting on the town’s metal bench (probably freezing her tail off), but she seemed to be in good spirits.

20151215_HNI_0086She asked me to join her, and I couldn’t resist. I think Big Top felt a bit left out, though.

20151215_HNI_0088I decided to change up Forest’s town tune for the holidays. These are the notes for the Christmas song Jolly Old Saint Nicholas.

jollystnickFeel free to use it in your town if you’d like. Or maybe you prefer Deck the Halls?

A bit later, I returned to my central park and took this picture of a cedar tree with Christmas lights next to my illuminated tree PWP. All I need now is a little snow falling…


Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Samantha from Townland was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for stopping by!