Today is the 2nd Friday of the month, and that meant it was time for Friday Night Forest! I opened my gate shortly after 10 p.m., and at first no one showed up. But at 10:15, Robin came over to visit. Robin was someone that I used to play ACCF with back in 2011 or so. But this was her first time visiting me in New Leaf!
She did some shopping up on Main Street; this was actually her first time seeing the Emporium! She seemed pretty excited about it.
She got her hair done at Shampoodle (using my hair guide of course, haha) and she said she was jealous of all my emotions. The Shrunk Funk Shuffle seemed to impress her.
I told her she could help herself to the fruit in my town, since her town is new. I also gave her a tour of my house.
We had some fun on the marshmallow chairs. It still makes me laugh to see the faces and hear the sounds the characters make when they try (and fail) to get off the chair.
She didn’t have a wet suit, so I gave her a (gently-used) extra one I had.
We also hunted down some snowflakes. There was one snowflake in particular that seemed to be trolling us. We had to swim to the private beach to get to it, and once we arrived, it went back to the other side! It went back and forth several times until Robin eventually caught it.
We did some swimming and crab diving, and then we had a nice hammer fight. It can’t truly be Friday Night Forest without bashing someone over the head with a toy hammer.
We dove into the ocean (from the cliff and the dock), but it’s hard to take a picture at just the right moment. It’s even harder to time it so that you jump off at the same time. But this is the best picture I got from our diving attempts.
Shortly before midnight, I ended the session. I had a good time and it was nice to see Robin again after not playing Animal Crossing with her for years. Hopefully she’ll stop by again sometime.
I wrapped up my night by updating my dream town at the Dream Suite. While I was there, Luna told me that Alana from Cratoe was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend, everyone!