Yesterday (January 27th) was Aurora’s birthday. I gave her a sloppy bed that I found in Re-Tail as her birthday present.
Big Top was also there to help Aurora celebrate. It’s a party now!
Aurora was appreciative, not only for the presents and cake, but also for the chance to spend her birthday with me and Big Top.
And then today, I got a thank-you letter from Aurora in the mail. She sent me this A shirt–I guess the A stands for Aurora! I never knew!
Even though I appreciated the gift, I wasn’t quite ready to let go of my BB tee just yet. It’s not even very smelly yet!
I had a chat with Rolf over by the event plaza, and he asked me to catch a coelacanth for him! I had to tell him no. Not only is it hard to find one (and worth 15,000 bells), but they don’t even come out when it’s not raining or snowing! Sorry dude.
When I went up to Main Street, I updated my dream town at the Dream Suite. Luna told me that Tsinglum from Shumtown was my most recent dream visitor. What a mouthful! Yesterday’s visitor was Twilight from Beletron. Thank you for visiting! By the way, I’ve put my dream address in the sidebar of this blog for easy access.
I finished up my evening with a little diving and fishing. Here, the bubbles from the underwater creature were getting in the way of a fish shadow. Thankfully, it didn’t distract me too much and I caught myself a nice oarfish.