Molly’s Birthday

I got my club tee and mohawk wig in the mail from Timmy & Tommy, so I put on my new clothes and headed up to Shampoodle. I dyed my hair green (with help from the hair guide, of course) and that transformed me into Mohawk McClover!

My transformation into Mohawk McClover.If you’re not aware, Mohawk McClover is this character you see above (although I should probably get some green eye contacts too) that I’ve been turning into every March since 2009. It’s become a St. Patrick’s day tradition of mine.

But today is a special day for a different reason: It’s Molly’s birthday! So of course I paid my favorite ducky a visit. She was celebrating with her good friend Daisy. Video game ducks and dogs sure seem to be getting along better since Duck Hunt was added to Smash Bros.

Molly: Aww, cupcake! You came to celebrate with me? I'm so happy, ducky.Molly asked me for a present, and I gave her a customized zero lamp. Surprisingly, she didn’t seem to care for it.

Molly: Wow, a zero lamp! I'm uh, touched. Thank you.
Hey, a zero lamp is greater than nothing!

Daisy was just happy to see Molly enjoying herself so much.

Daisy: Molly seems to be having a great time! I think we can call this a successful birthday party.After I left the party, I ran into a villager wasn’t nearly as happy. Velma was carrying around a shovel for unknown reasons, and she was being really defensive about it.

Velma: In case you're wondering what I'm doing with this shovel, it's none of your business!
You were trying to plant a Scooby snack tree, weren’t you?

Naomi the cow was camping in a tent at the campsite. She hinted that she might like to move in, but Forest has no room for her.

Naomi: Hey there, I'm Naomi. I'm just in Forest camping for a little while.And even though you’d think I’d have the luck of the Irish wearing all green like this, I was actually having a bad luck day. I kept falling on my face all over town.

Me falling on my face on the ramp.Me falling on my face at the event plaza.My most recent dream visitor was Lucy from Tokyo. Thanks for stopping by!

UPDATE: I forgot to mention it, but Dizzy did ping me and I got him to stay in town. Also, just a reminder that Friday Night Forest is Friday at 10pm Eastern U.S. time.

10 thoughts on “Molly’s Birthday”

  1. Is the 3DS data saved on the system or in the game cards? Okay so we were in a big car accident And the car was totaled and so was everything in the car. Including my laptop and my 3DS….. Here’s the story of the accident A truck stopped and the guy behind him had to swerve and he hit us and we hit a tree and almost a house. Thankfully we all walked out of the wreck . But im a little worried about my ACNL data. It was in a game card which I left at home. Will I still have my data in ACNL on my new 3DS that I be getting if the old one was smashed in a wreck?

    1. Hmm, I think you’ve already used that story before. 😛 But if you have the cartridge version of New Leaf, the data will be saved to the cartridge. So you will be able to use it on another 3DS.

  2. Has dizzy pinged you yet? Also what time are you opening your gate on Friday (your time)? I live in australia so I’ll need to figure out the time difference and when to get online (my time)

    1. Yes, Dizzy pinged me and I saved him–I’ll add that to the entry. You’re the Gen I delivered villager pictures to, right? Just to be clear, when I add someone to give something away, it’s not for a permanent spot on my roster. I have one temporary spot that I re-use each time I give something away. You are still on my roster now, so you can come Friday, but I can’t promise you’ll still be on next time.

      Anyway, FNF is at 10pm Eastern U.S. time, so that would be Saturday at 2pm Sydney time or 1pm Brisbane time (not sure where in Oz you are).

      1. Yes I am that Gen! Shortly after you visited I restarted, I understand if I won’t be on your friend roster. But thanks for saying I can come on Friday! I appreciate it! Also just so you know I’m in Victoria but its the same time zone as Sydney!

  3. I actually feel pretty honoured that I’ve seen Mohawk McClover for 3 years running now! And this year I’ll actually see you in the game too (I will stay up, I will) 😛

  4. Hope you have another great year of life Molly!

    Just a question: is the Fortune Shop worth getting in your opinion? I will get it eventually but I’m thinking of leaving it to later.

    1. It’s actually pretty useless if you don’t care about getting your fortune told. There are a couple of exclusive hats you can get from Katrina, but it’s really not a big deal. I suggest taking your time with it.

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