I was greeted by a fairly unusual sight when I started up the game today: Rain.
I haven’t had much rain lately…but I suspect Elise may have brought the gloomy weather with her. I went into her house to introduce myself; she’s even uglier than she was in City Folk!
She confirmed that she just moved from Beth’s town of Otaku, and then she begged me to come back and chat tomorrow. Ugh.
I hope she’s outdoors tomorrow. It gives me so many more options. 😈 *cough* Pitfalls, hammers, and nets. *cough*
I found a lost mitten on the ground at the event plaza. I reunited it with its owner, Daisy. She thanked me by giving me a trunk measure.
The word “trunk” made me think of elephants, and Dizzy in particular. I can’t believe I essentially traded Dizzy for Elise… 😯
I made an evening trip out to the island, where the weather was much nicer. I filled up my dock box with bugs, and they earned me more than 150,000 bells when I sold them at Re-Tail. When I put my money into the bank, my account balance reached 68 million bells.
My recent dream visitors have been Alex from Yavin 4 and Glory from Snowfall. Thanks for stopping by!