I knew Weeding Day was coming up, so I’ve been leaving some weeds around town for the past few days. However, I was thinking Weeding Day was Saturday (tomorrow). But as I played this evening, I quickly found that Weeding Day was actually today!
The problem is that I started playing around 7:30 p.m., and Leif will only be at the event plaza until 7:00! Doh! This is the exact same thing I did last year! I can’t believe I missed it yet again!
Note: I did participate in 2014, but that time, I just unlocked the topiary PWPs. I still have not obtained the flower furniture that Leif gives out for pulling weeds. Oh well, maybe next year.
While walking around town, my brain fart continued when I went up to a Jacob’s ladder and (without thinking) dug it up with my shovel. It’s just one of those days, I guess.
In Forest’s central park, Molly was talking about the illuminated tree. She said she looks forward to seeing its gentle glow every night. Aww, how cute.
I haven’t been going out to the island this week, but I made sure to go tonight. I filled up my box with bugs and fish, and I sold them for about 135,000 bells after returning to shore.
I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow, so I’ll see you then. Have a good weekend!