I did a lot of fishing (in town) and bug-catching (on the island) last night. I racked up over 200,000 bells worth of catches. Depositing that money kicked my bank account balance over 71 million bells.
Today, a message on the bulletin board informed me that it was Hamlet’s birthday! When I went into his house, he told me that he didn’t expect anything from me. He hasn’t lived in town very long, and I don’t really know him very well yet.
But of course, I had to give him a gift. I was planning on giving him a customized item that was sitting in Re-Tail. Unfortunately, I must have been distracted when I went in there, and I forgot to pick it up! So the only thing I had for him was a mega dinkoid I dug up out of the ground. He wasn’t exactly thrilled by it, but he didn’t seem disappointed either. He said the important thing was that he had a bro like me.

Another rodent, Agent S, was also there to help Hamlet celebrate. She thought I only came because I heard she would be there! Not true!
But I think Hamlet and Agent S both had a good time. Happy birthday, Hamlet! I hope someone got you a nice wheel to run around on!
Back outside, I got some fairly big news. Hippeux told me he was planning on moving out of town on June 4th.

There’s been a lot of villager movement in Forest lately: Dizzy moved out, Elise moved in, Peck moved out, Hippeux moved in, Elise moved out, Hamlet moved in, and Bob moved in. And that’s just since mid-April! I’m kind of tired of the revolving door, so when Hippeux asked to move out, I had to think about it. For two seconds. But I realized that this is my chance to get rid of him. Another opportunity might not come for months. So goodbye, hippo.
My recent dream visitors have been Ben from B-Town, Naomi from Hattorf, Karen from Home, and Carry from Dopolis.
One other note: Now that my museum is complete, I’ve put together a Crazy Redd Art Guide that shows the differences between real and fake works of art. It includes side-by-side pictures, as well as a description of what to look for. Feel free to use it anytime Redd shows up in your town! And good luck with your museum progress (if you haven’t already completed it)!
Thank you for visiting the blog today! Have a great day and please stop by again.