On Sunday, I received Hippeux’s goodbye letter in the mail.
The museum gift shop had the paintball wall on sale, so I picked it up for 1,600 bells. It only becomes available after the museum’s art gallery is complete.
This is what it looks like. It might be good for a Splatoon-themed room, but I can’t imagine ever wanting to use it for anything other than that.
Now I’m just waiting for the museum model to show up at the gift shop. It should be there any day now.
Yesterday, my Re-Tail finally had furniture as the premium item! I’ve been waiting to sell my egg furniture since Easter! It’s kind of funny, but some obscure fish and bugs have shown up as the premium item multiple times before furniture showed up once. Well, better late than never.
Hippeux’s departure allowed a new former villager to show up on Main Street. And that villager is Sprinkle the penguin. Seeing her again is like the icing on the cake.
As for the town I mentioned visiting last time, I’ll go ahead and talk about it now. Beth and I have started a new town called Arrested, which will be based on the TV show Arrested Development. It’s still early in development right now, but we’ll be including some locations from the show (the model home, Balboa Towers, the wetlands, etc.) and there will be lots of references to the TV show.

Beth owns the cartridge the town is on, but we’re working together with ideas, pattern designs, and tracking down the items we need. It’s going to take a while to complete the town, but we’re already posting updates for the town on Tumblr each time we add something new. You can follow along at http://arrestedtown.tumblr.com.
Today, I found a lost mitten in Forest. Before I could hire a dog to sniff out the mitten and track the scent, that dog (Daisy) told me that it was hers! She says now she can keep both hands warm.
That struck me as odd, however. For one thing, she has paws, not hands. And she has four of them…so why say “both?” Also, it’s summer now (and she has fur). Why does she need to keep anything warm at this time of year? Hmm, where’s Scooby-Doo when you need him? I’m not convinced that Daisy is the best detective around.
In Arrested, Beth added sand patterns around the Bluth model home. Fans of the show may remember that the model home is in Sudden Valley–basically in the middle of nowhere. After we cut down a few trees, I was trying to prevent Michael Bluth from filling in the last blank spot with the sand pattern. 😛
And back in Forest, Gulliver was down on the beach. He was talking about a kilt and bagpipes, so he’s clearly headed for Scotland. He’ll send me a gift from there (the bagpipes) tomorrow.
Just a heads-up for people on my 3DS friend roster: June’s Friday Night Forest is being moved to next week (June 17th). The start time will be the usual, 10 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.
My most recent dream visitor was Lucas from Peridoot. Thanks for stopping by!