Yesterday, Bob found me by the tulip topiary and asked for the common butterfly in my pockets. He only offered 90 bells for it, but sure, why not? It’s not like I catch these things for the money anyway.
Saharah was in town today, and I hired her to put in some new wallpaper and carpeting. For reasons unknown, she thought this green wall and boxing-ring mat would be a good combination. Yuck!
Hamlet told me that he already wants to move out of town, on July 2nd! I don’t plan on letting anyone leave for a while, so I made him stay put. If he really wants to run away, I’ll just put him on a hamster wheel and let him think he’s actually going somewhere.
I made a dream visit to the town of Tranquil this afternoon. It has some horror-themed areas, but it also has some lighter movie and fairy-tale themed rooms as well. I wrote up a full Dream Suite Adventure of the town, so please check that out. But I’ll include a couple of bonus pictures of Tranquil here:
And if you haven’t yet seen my slideshow of pictures taken in my third year of New Leaf, here it is…even if it is a bit late. It includes pictures from May 2, 2015 to May 2, 2016.
My recent dream visitors have been Andrew from Lyminith and Ray from Forest. Thanks for stopping by!