Remember how Hamlet was talking about how he watches construction workers and it makes his muscles tingle? The very next day, he sent me a letter saying someone has been calling him “sweet cheeks!” Haha…
Of course, hamsters have cheek pouches where they store food. But I don’t think those are the cheeks the construction workers were referring to.
Beth invited me over to her town Acorn the other night to see the meteor shower. I also met her neighbor Bonbon while I was there.
I wanted Bonbon to get her wish. So I also wished that a shooting star would land on her. Here it comes…

Yesterday, Lily was camping at my campsite once again. She camped here one day in August too!
Near the Roost today, Hamlet told me he was seeing visions of Camofrog floating by, after an intense workout.
He then dismissed it as dizziness after cartwheeling everywhere.

My recent dream visitors have been Cabbage from Clock, Xavier from Quigley, Jacob from Home, and Didi from Bluecove. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend!