Yesterday, I spotted Harv feeding birds at the campground!
When you find him doing this, talk to him repeatedly (by choosing the “Hey Harv!” option) and he will give you some beans! The beans were previously unavailable in America.
Feeding the birds is fun!
A message posted on the bulletin board warned of upcoming snow flurries! Oh no, I’m not ready for winter!
I noticed that you can use emotions in the water. I thought this was a new feature, but I’ve been informed that you could already do this. Sorry for any confusion.
My favorite part is that if you use the Shrunk Funk Shuffle in the water, you are (temporarily) immune to jellyfish! They will pass right through you!
Today, one of my initiatives was to spend 150 bells at Leila’s “shop” on the island.
That struck me as weird, because you can’t spend bells on the island. Leila will pay you bells if you sell her some fruit, fish, or bugs, however. And that seems to be what the initiative means to say. Selling 150 bells worth of stuff let me successfully complete the mission.
Of course, Leila pays next to nothing, so this initiative may not be worth the effort. Especially when you consider it only earns you one MEOW coupon. Me-YOWZA!
I had Gulliver as today’s random RV camper. It was the first time I’ve seen him here, and interestingly, he appeared in Acorn and Arrested today too. He has a ball in his RV, so I made sure to order it. It can be customized into other balls (including a basketball), so it will come in handy for future sports rooms of mine.
My recent dream visitors have been Stephen from Kyoto and Kat from Ylisstol. Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll see you next time!
By the way, I’m trying to keep my Dream Suite Adventures page as up-to-date as possible with current dream addresses (since Nintendo deleted all the old dream towns earlier this month). I’ve already updated the new addresses for Pink Sea, Titania, and JOY. If you know of any current addresses for the other dreams featured there, please let me know. I’m sure I’ll be able to update a few more of them, but some of them are gone forever.