Helping Merka Move

A few nights ago, Merka decided to sell her town to Tom Nook and start over. I let her drop off some items in Forest until she got her new town up and running. Thankfully, she limited it to a few thousand of her most important possessions.

A few of the many items Merka dropped off in Forest.While visiting a dream town, I ran into Francine. And this bit of dialogue really fits the idea that she’s a human wearing bunny ears. She has to keep convincing herself that she’s a rabbit named Francine!

Francine: My memories are a bit fuzzy. I've just got to keep reminding myself...Francine: I'm a rabbit named Francine... I'm a rabbit named Francine!

I’ve been playing some more of Animal Crossing Puzzle League lately. That included playing the Story Mode on the hard difficulty.

Jack: Ack! I lost! My hopes...smashed to bits like some kind of... I can't even think of an appropriate analogy!
Smashing pumpkins perhaps?

It was much harder this time, and I lost to Isabelle a few times. But on the bright side, she did offer me a job as a secretary. 😛

Isabelle: As leader of the Puzzle League, I'm going to need a secretary. ...Interested? Heehee!Unlike the normal story mode, in which I didn’t have to continue at all, I had to continue many times in hard mode. The final battle against Cornimer was particularly difficult. He kept beating me before I even had a chance to get going. Probably the most frustrating part of any Animal Crossing game for me. But eventually, I beat it. And now I probably won’t play story mode again, haha.

Anyway, I got a letter from Nintendo in the mail the next day. They sent me a fruit-panel umbrella for completing the story mode on hard.

Holding the fruit-panel umbrella.Merka picked up her items and she’s getting settled into her new town Muffy. She even got Drake to move into her town randomly–he is one of her favorite villagers. Good luck with your new town, Merka!

Merka from Muffy has just arrived in Forest.

Tonight, Julian told me he was planning on moving out of town on November 28th. I’m planning on giving him to Merka, although I’m not going to avoid talking to him, so it’s still possible he could change his mind about moving.

It seems that P&P Emptorectum was having a liquidation sale today. 😉

A toilet and a men's toilet on sale at the store.Even though those items are #1 and #2 on my shopping list, I’m having a cash flow problem. Well technically I have the money, but I don’t want to drain my wallet any further.

Just before wrapping up my game for the night, I heard a balloon present flying overhead. I shot it down and got a free backyard pool from it.

Shooting down a balloon present at night.

My recent dream visitors have been Kaitlynn from Rebelïnk, Chris from Nova, Hazel from Milkyway, Felipe from Mii Town, and Presley from Piano. Thanks for tuning in! And have a good weekend, everyone! 🙂

Jellyfish Immunity

Yesterday, I spotted Harv feeding birds at the campground!

Harvey feeds birds at the campground.When you find him doing this, talk to him repeatedly (by choosing the “Hey Harv!” option) and he will give you some beans! The beans were previously unavailable in America.

Harvey: Did you want to feed the birds too? Well, go right ahead!Feeding the birds is fun! 🙂

Harvey: Some places they tell you not to feed the birds. But...birds gotta eat too, man!Me feeding the birds with beans I got from Harvey.A message posted on the bulletin board warned of upcoming snow flurries! Oh no, I’m not ready for winter!

I noticed that you can use emotions in the water. I thought this was a new feature, but I’ve been informed that you could already do this. Sorry for any confusion.

Using the surprise emotion in the water.My favorite part is that if you use the Shrunk Funk Shuffle in the water, you are (temporarily) immune to jellyfish! They will pass right through you!

A jellyfish passes through me as I use the Shrunk Funk Shuffle in the water. Jellyfish immunity!Today, one of my initiatives was to spend 150 bells at Leila’s “shop” on the island.

Tropical Shop Initiative: Spend 150 bells with Leila on the southern islands. 0/150That struck me as weird, because you can’t spend bells on the island. Leila will pay you bells if you sell her some fruit, fish, or bugs, however. And that seems to be what the initiative means to say. Selling 150 bells worth of stuff let me successfully complete the mission.

Leila: I want yer goliath beetle! Pweeeeeease? I'll give you 300 bells for it!Of course, Leila pays next to nothing, so this initiative may not be worth the effort. Especially when you consider it only earns you one MEOW coupon. Me-YOWZA!

I had Gulliver as today’s random RV camper. It was the first time I’ve seen him here, and interestingly, he appeared in Acorn and Arrested today too. He has a ball in his RV, so I made sure to order it. It can be customized into other balls (including a basketball), so it will come in handy for future sports rooms of mine.

Gulliver: I've been all over the world, but this campground is a real highlight.

My recent dream visitors have been Stephen from Kyoto and Kat from Ylisstol. Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll see you next time!

By the way, I’m trying to keep my Dream Suite Adventures page as up-to-date as possible with current dream addresses (since Nintendo deleted all the old dream towns earlier this month). I’ve already updated the new addresses for Pink Sea, Titania, and JOY. If you know of any current addresses for the other dreams featured there, please let me know. I’m sure I’ll be able to update a few more of them, but some of them are gone forever.

Campground FNF

On Wednesday, a fortune cookie gave me a New Nintendo 3DS. The one I got from Isabelle’s RV has her face on the outside of it; this one is just a plain, regular one.

Tommy: Ah, congratulations! The prize for Number 57 is great--a New Nintendo 3DS!Up on Main Street, I spotted Tom! I wasn’t expecting to see him yet until I had another villager move out. So either I was mistaken and lost track of someone at some point, or the update changed how many villagers appear on Main Street.

Tom: Yo, Jeff! Good deals today! Nothing like scoring a good bargain!

I shot down a balloon present yesterday, and it contained a gold screen wall. If you’re not already aware, the update changed balloon presents so they can carry random items too (and not just balloon furniture like before). That’s a welcome change.

Shooting down a balloon present. Pop!Shortly after 10:00 tonight, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Merka and Mike came over, and we took some pictures by my FNF sign.

Michael, Jeff, and Merka standing by the sign: FNF 11-11-16.We made some references to carp blood throughout the night, and it’s because of a joke Merka and I made five years ago tonight, in City Folk. She was known as Skye back then, and we made fun of the “Do You Like Waffles?” song by replacing it with carp blood. Why carp blood, I’m not exactly sure. But it must have made sense at the time. 😀

Even if Nintendo took away our net glitch, we can still stump merge. It’s mergilicious.

Jeff, Michael, and Merka merging in the tree stump glitch.Beth also came over to visit, so I had a full house. We went over to the drive-in campground and hung out there for a while. I noticed that when you toss beans at the campground, they don’t fling out as high.

Flinging my beans on the ground.I later tested it out back in town, and they shoot out high and far in town. Just not at the campground.

We tested something else out tonight, too. We wanted to see if people outside can hear if someone honks the horn of the RV. To my surprise, the answer is yes! In fact, we get shocked expressions outdoors too.

A shocked expression as someone honks the RV horn.While we were at it, we also tested to see if the horns of different RVs sounded different. Booker and Isabelle were both at the campground, but sadly, the horns sounded the same. That would have been a nice touch if they each had a unique sound. Like maybe Booker could have a deeper honk, and Isabelle’s could be more cheery. No big deal though, of course. I realize Nintendo can’t put an infinite amount of details into a free update. 😉

Mike and Merka sat on a log (bench), facing each other. Then, they started attacking each other. It was a good, old-fashioned bean fight!

Michael and Merka have a bean fight.I really enjoy the campground during online play. It’s such a great place to relax and chat.

The four of us sitting around the fire at the campground.We talked about how good it would be to have a new Animal Crossing game on Switch, where we could use USB keyboards to communicate again. That would be infinitely better than the on-screen keyboard in New Leaf. I wouldn’t even mind if it was basically a port of New Leaf / Welcome Amiibo with some new features added. That would be better than waiting another five years for a new game.

Once we were done twerking at the campground, we went into town hall to see the ghost Wisp working behind the counter. Mike also showed off his haircut. I’m not sure which was scarier. 😉

Wisp works behind the counter at town hall.We went outside to the geyser and celebrated at 11:11 on 11/11.

The geyser erupts at 11:11 on 11/11.We continued to discuss Animal Crossing, particularly the recent update. They patched the net glitch, yet there was one thing they didn’t fix: The extremely short span of time that a message is on-screen! It’s still only five seconds, which is far too short. That’s not even enough time to walk through a doorway.

We later went up near the railroad tracks, where Mike fell into the pitfall behind the face-cutout standee. As always, I didn’t get to see my victim’s fall. But I stuck my face into the gravestone as people threw beans at me.

People throw beans at me while I'm in the gravestone.

And we starting making band names for some reason? Or maybe it was just me.

Jeff, sticking his face through a gravestone faceboard: The Grateful Head.Mike wanted to catch up with his former villager Julian, so we all started a search a party for him. Eventually, we found him hanging out in the art gallery with all the naked statues. And I noticed he wasn’t wearing any pants.

Julian in the art gallery.This valiant statue looked like a slingshot. Or then again, maybe the wings look like my arms.

Standing behind the valiant statue.

If you ever need to check if a painting is real or fake, remember I have a Crazy Redd Art Guide right here on JVGS!

Anyway, we then went to my house and made whooping sounds in froggie chairs.

Sitting in froggie chairs in my frog room.Merka went away for a bit at one point, while Mike imagined a GameCube version of New Leaf. We started using love emotions, and the sound of it was quite funny. I just imagined what Merka’s reaction would be like when she returned to the sound of this lovely alarm.

Three of us using the love emotion around a pond.After that, we started quoting Arrested Development. But after chatting for a while, we got disconnected. It was well after midnight already, so I didn’t reopen my gate. But I had a good time tonight. Thanks to Merka, Mike, and Beth for coming!

My recent dream visitors have been Sarah from Fujioka, Emily from Honolulu, Gamer from Wii, and Sarusa from Anitown. Have a good weekend, everyone!