Walt the kangaroo was camping in Forest yesterday, and he offered to play a game for some of my superb coffee beans. I decided to take a chance, and he told me to pick one of four card suits. I picked the club card (for club sauce good luck), and it had 9,502 bells on it! That’s how much had to pay me for my beans! Great deal!
I went over to Beth’s town Acorn for a visit. She scanned the Sanrio Amiibo card featuring Chai, so I took a look at her RV.
Beth invited Chai to move into Acorn. But since her town was full, she had to kick someone out. That someone turned out to be Lily. That’s one good thing about Amiibo cards. If your town is full, you can invite a villager in and you can choose to kick someone out…immediately! Lily was instantly packed up in boxes, and I asked her to move to Forest.
I also tracked down my former unicorn villager Julian, and we had a little chat. It’s good to see him again.
Then tonight, I opened my gate about 10:05 for Friday Night Forest. Squishy was wearing a festive dress, but I hadn’t really done anything special for Christmas yet. No Santa clothes, no Christmas room in my house, and I didn’t even make a special Friday Night Forest sign this time. Sorry!

We found Lily’s house plot, and it was in a good spot where it didn’t mess up my paths or anything. It’s near town hall, just a couple of spots from where Tabby once lived. And she’s not far from the geyser, so she’ll get some mist from that. That will help keep her skin moist.
But then I noticed she’ll live close to Forest’s other frog, Camofrog! Future fro-mance?
Speaking of Camofrog, we all went into his house to say hello. Not only did he have a really big Napoleonfish, but his house was very crowded in general.

Villagers have started to give hints about what they want for Toy Day, but I’ve only received two clues so far. I know Camofrog wants something white and Hamlet wants something black.
Beth gave me a Santa hat she found in Able Sisters, so I could look a bit festive after all.
After a while, we took the boat out to the island. We caught some bugs and fish, and I also released a large oak silk moth in Beth’s face. I’m sure she appreciated it.
When we returned to Forest, we hung out in my house for a while. They were sitting on a Cinnamoroll sofa I ordered from Chai’s RV yesterday. I don’t plan on keeping it, but it’s certainly a unique item.
At 11:15, I ended the session for the night. Thanks for coming, Beth and Squishy! I just now realized I never picked up my island catches from the dock box. Oh well, I’ll have a nice surprise the next time I happen to look in there (unless I remember to pick them up soon).
My recent dream visitors have been Kimchu from Uni, Fiona from AHS, and Naomi from Hattorf. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good weekend! I should be back with another entry tomorrow as Lily moves in. Hope to see you then!
As you said in the post I’m willing to buy the couch
it’s cute 20,000 bells sound good? Let me know 
I can give it to you for free. What’s your friend code? Mine is 4613-6863-2685. Evenings are the best time for me (Eastern U.S. time).
It’s 4871-6204-3604
Mii name is bunny my town or yours??
I can drop it off in your town. When is a good time for you?
About 4:00 California time
What day?
tomorrow maybe? if not i can do the 23th
Okay, we can try for tomorrow (Thursday). Let me know when you’re around.
ok ill have my gate open all day for you
Okay, I’m around for a while now so just let me know when you open.
OK I’m opening it
Thanks for a fun evening! Apart from the moth – no I don’t appreciate
I think everyone else appreciated the humor it caused,Beth ;p