When I started up the game today, I was surprised to find Pete outside my door. He gave me a letter from Nintendo: It contained the white festive tree DLC item! For a while, I was afraid this might be exclusive to Japan, but America has now received it as well. Yay!
Pete thanked me for using SpotPass, and he gave me 15 MEOW coupons that were included with the letter.
As you might expect, the white festive tree can not be ordered from the catalog.
By the way, thanks to Beth for picking up a Santa’s coat for me. My Santa look is now complete. As she visited to shop, I spotted an igloo at the campsite. I believe this is my first one of the season.
Apollo the eagle was camping inside. For some reason, he seemed to be flexing his wings for me.
Lily asked me for an ocean fish, so I went seaward (when I was good and ready) and caught a sea bass for her.

I immediately took the fish back to Lily, and she seemed a bit too excited for it.

She then gave me a splendid tee for my trouble. Not the greatest reward, but then again, a sea bass isn’t the greatest fish either.
My recent dream visitors have been Antique from Garden and Jack from Una. Also, Rolf mentioned a dreamer named PooBinGo from Poopsvil.
On that pleasant note, I’ll wrap up this entry. Thank you all for visiting, and have a great weekend! See you next time!