Yesterday, I got Hamlet’s goodbye letter in the mail. He included his picture as well. But to my surprise, I also had another letter from him. It said to go ahead and dig up the time capsule I buried for him a few weeks back.
So I dug it up and read the letter. It seems a bit sad seeing him talk to himself when he’s not even here any more.
I thought maybe I would wear the included shirt to remember him by…until I saw the shirt was a pink tartan shirt. I don’t miss him that much.
Now that Hamlet is gone, a new animal started appearing on Main Street. That animal is Dizzy the elephant. He moved out of town back in April, so it was good to see him again.
I went around town, determined to get all of the Toy Day hints I could. While I couldn’t find Big Top anywhere, I did get both of everyone else’s clues. I figured that should be enough.
Today was Toy Day (Christmas Eve), and I soon met up with Jingle. He gave me the Santa bag, which was filled with gifts for the animal residents of Forest.
My job was to take each present to the correct villager. My first delivery went to Bob. He wanted green furniture, so I knew the lily-pad table had to be his. And indeed, it was.
Pashmina wanted pink wallpaper, so she got the lovely wall. Rolf wanted beige furniture, so I gave him the pine chair. I gave Aurora black clothing (BB tee) and Lily pink clothing (heart tee). Agent S wanted a black appliance, so she got the wide-screen TV.

At this point, I had two rugs left and an electric guitar. I checked my catalog at the Emporium to verify which rug was which color (when making a list, it’s good to check it twice). Molly got the kitschy tile for her orange carpet and Camofrog got birch flooring for his white carpet.
That left only one thing: An electric guitar for Big Top. He was thrilled with it, and my work was complete. But before I could return to Jingle, I noticed the northern lights up in the sky.
I soon tracked down the black-nosed reindeer, and he thanked me for all my help.
He then gave me a festive wreath, which I hung up in my house.
My recent dream visitors have been Em Bee from The Cove and Mayounna from Amy Rose.
Thank you all for reading, and I hope you have a great holiday! If you happen to get a copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf for Christmas (either for the first time or for a 2nd town), remember to start off your character right with the face guide!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Hey jeff my little bro got a 2ds. i put my copy of ACNL in and my data reset
Sorry to hear that. The cartridge versions save data to the cart itself, so you can’t start a new town without erasing the old one (or buying a 2nd copy of the game).
Merry Christmas Jeff! I got a 3ds XL and New Leaf for Christmas today so I hope to one day visit you or visit your dream town! Unfortunately though the 3ds charger wont be arriving until the 29th…:-{
Merry Christmas! I’m glad you got all of the Toy Day gifts right, unlike me
Wow I got the festive wreath too lol
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
By the way… You should wear the shirt lol you would look good in it :p
Merry Christmas!