Winter Arrives & Aika Returns

As of Sunday, snow now covers the ground in Forest. Snowballs also started appearing, although I didn’t attempt to build any snowmen on the first day.

Snow covers the ground and I spot the first snowball of the season.I had a chat with my newest neighbor Lily, and she told me both of her Toy Day clues. I know she wants pink clothes for the holiday.

Lily: I've given it a lot of thought. For this year's Toy Day, I'd really like something pink.On Monday, I bought the Santa beard at Able Sisters. I just need the jacket now and I’ll be all Santa’d up.

Labelle: Oh wow! So cute and so wonderful!
Have a froggy, jolly Christmas…

The northern lights were on display up in the sky, so I took a picture from my western bridge.

The northern lights (Aurora Borealis) on display in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

I finally started up a game of Desert Island Escape using my in-game Wii U console. You can use Amiibo cards to select your three animals, or you choose from the villagers in your town. But if you do choose from your existing villagers, you have to pay 2 Play Coins for each one! I decided to use the cards for now; I went with the same trio I used most often on the Wii U version: Goldie, Stitches, and Rosie.

The Desert Island Escape mini-game in Animal Crossing: New Leaf for Nintendo 3DS.

The object of the game is to escape off of a desert island by building a raft from a sail and three logs that will be scattered across the island. Along the way, you may fight enemies, make tools, catch fish, and more. Make sure you don’t run out of food! For a more detailed description of how the game plays, see this blog entry about the Wii U version.

Map screen of Desert Island Escape: Your score depends on exploration and progression, so do your best!

Since I’m already familiar with the game, I had no problem completing the first few levels. Just like the version in Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival, it’s an enjoyable game that will provide hours of fun.

Desert Island Escape: You escaped!When I had a chat with Hamlet afterwards, he told me he was moving out of town on December 22nd. That’s a week from tomorrow. Carson recently asked me about Hamlet, so please let me know if you’re still interested. You will need to have a vacancy in your town on the 22nd, of course. Or if anyone else wants to be a backup in case Carson can’t take Hamlet for whatever reason, let me know.

Hamlet: So anyway... gotta strike while the iron is hot! I think the iron will be hot on the 22nd of this month!Last night, it was snowing in town…and I caught a coelacanth!

I caught a coelacanth! Am I saying it right? (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)After depositing some money into my bank account, my balance topped 86 million bells.

Today, Flandre informed me that Aika Village is now back online with a new dream address. (Update: 2D00-002A-49A0 is the newest version). Many people (including me) had assumed that the town was lost forever in the dream purge of November 2016. But I’m glad to see it’s back!

Of course I had to check it out once again, and I finally got a picture of the room where the eyes look at you if you turn the camera around. I missed that part when I originally wrote up my Dream Suite Adventure of the town, and lots of people let me know about it. 😛

Eyes looking at me in Aika Village.I also found out that another town I’ve featured before, Shamrock, has also been brought back to life with a new dream address (6E00-0026-F069). A lot has changed in Shamrock: It’s winter there, and the mayor has changed the paths to snow-covered patterns that don’t feature all the shamrocks and pots of gold that it had before. I imagine he will change it back once the snow melts, but time will tell.

I also noticed that the player houses are very different as well, although the Irish pub looks even better than ever. It’s still a great town, but I must admit I liked it better when everything was green. Still, it’s good to have another great dream town back online!

There was a meteor shower in Forest tonight, and I sat on my metal bench to enjoy some of the shooting stars. And of course, my illuminated tree looks especially good this time of year.

Two shooting stars go by during the meteor shower, as I sit on a metal bench PWP near my illuminated tree in winter.I decided to change my path back to my winter usual, the icy brick pattern. Hopefully, visitors will remember to wear non-slip shoes. 😉

My ice brick path near my fountain PWP.I managed to build a perfect snowmam tonight, next to an accidental snowboy I made last night. I can now exchange three snowflakes for a piece of ice furniture. It’s a great way to make money in winter.

Snowmam: This balance... I'm perfect!Camofrog asked me to catch a bitterling for him, so I did a little fishing in the river. It took me a few minutes, but I caught what he wanted. When I took it back to him, he rewarded me with a frog costume!

Camofrog: Well, as a sign of my thanks, please take my frog costume!

I’m expecting to receive a pack of Welcome Amiibo cards in the mail any day now. So check back soon to see which cards I get.

And if you haven’t seen my parody of Amiibo cards, check out Amiibo Placebo over on Blah Games. Hopefully it’ll make you laugh. 🙂

Luna told me my recent dream visitors have been Adaline from Willow, BlueHour from Twilight, and Jelly from Roses. Thanks for visiting! 🙂

Lily Moves In

The fishing tournament was held today, and I wanted to participate…even if I didn’t win. So I went down to the beach and dabbed caught a dab.

I caught a dab! I'm not just dabbling anymore!With about three minutes to spare before the tournament ended, I handed the dab to Chip. To my surprise, that 21.35 inch dab took over the top spot! Chip rewarded me with a marine pop floor.

Chip: Oh, that's right! Let me give you a marine pop floor in honor of your new record! Great!I heard a balloon present flying overhead, and it changed course mid-air to go behind Chip’s tent. I followed it and got my slingshot out. That marine floor from Chip wasn’t the only thing to go pop!

Popping a balloon present in front of the bare town tree.It contained a piece of balloon furniture this time (booo!), but that’s alright. After 6:00, I went inside the tent for the fishing tournament ceremony. I was the winner!

Chip: For your amazing first-place finish, I am quite happy to present you with the gold fish trophy!After that, I went to meet my newest neighbor, Lily the frog. Welcome to Forest!

Lily: Thanks for the warm welcome to Forest. I hope we become good friends!After making my rounds, I went up to the Dream Suite to update my dream town. But I encountered an uncommon bit of dialogue…

Luna: Oh my... I see your wallet is full, as well as your pockets.Because my wallet didn’t have enough space for her 5,000 bell gift (and my pockets were full as well), Luna refused to let me sleep! She asked me to reorganize my belongings.

Luna: Mmmmm... Do you think you could reorganize your belongings for me?So I went over the post office to deposit my money into my account before returning to Club LOL and updating my dream. By the way, Mayounna from Amy Rose was my most recent dream visitor.

I do have a bit of good news related to the Dream Suite. The dream town of Citàlune, which I previously featured in a Dream Suite Adventure, is now back online with a new dream address (4F00-001F-F5E6)!

Able Sisters had the Santa pants on sale today, and Kicks had the Santa boots; I bought them both. I don’t have the jacket yet, but I’m sure it’ll show up soon. In the meantime, however, I decided to change my shirt from navy (with a red C) to red (with a navy C). I also gave it long sleeves for winter.

Wearing some of my Santa outfit and my red C shirt.Thanks for stopping by. I’ll see you next time, with a fresh layer of snow! 🙂

Adopting Lily

Walt the kangaroo was camping in Forest yesterday, and he offered to play a game for some of my superb coffee beans. I decided to take a chance, and he told me to pick one of four card suits. I picked the club card (for club sauce good luck), and it had 9,502 bells on it! That’s how much had to pay me for my beans! Great deal!

Walt: this is gonna bite into my traveling budget, but rules are rules... Here ya go--9,502 bells.I went over to Beth’s town Acorn for a visit. She scanned the Sanrio Amiibo card featuring Chai, so I took a look at her RV.

Chai the Sanrio elephant and her RV camper.Beth invited Chai to move into Acorn. But since her town was full, she had to kick someone out. That someone turned out to be Lily. That’s one good thing about Amiibo cards. If your town is full, you can invite a villager in and you can choose to kick someone out…immediately! Lily was instantly packed up in boxes, and I asked her to move to Forest.

Lily: We'll meet again soon in Forest!I also tracked down my former unicorn villager Julian, and we had a little chat. It’s good to see him again.

Julian: Huh...? Super J? How did you know where I was?Then tonight, I opened my gate about 10:05 for Friday Night Forest. Squishy was wearing a festive dress, but I hadn’t really done anything special for Christmas yet. No Santa clothes, no Christmas room in my house, and I didn’t even make a special Friday Night Forest sign this time. Sorry!

Jeff: I didn't Santa.
I joked that the C on my shirt stood for Claus, though.

We found Lily’s house plot, and it was in a good spot where it didn’t mess up my paths or anything. It’s near town hall, just a couple of spots from where Tabby once lived. And she’s not far from the geyser, so she’ll get some mist from that. That will help keep her skin moist.

Jeff, standing near geyser and Lily's house plot: She'll get mist from geyser.But then I noticed she’ll live close to Forest’s other frog, Camofrog! Future fro-mance?

Jeff: She lives near Camofrog.Speaking of Camofrog, we all went into his house to say hello. Not only did he have a really big Napoleonfish, but his house was very crowded in general.

Camofrog's crowded house, with a huge Napoleonfish in the center.
There’s no way Camofrog can ride that bike. A unicycle maybe, but not a bike.

Villagers have started to give hints about what they want for Toy Day, but I’ve only received two clues so far. I know Camofrog wants something white and Hamlet wants something black.

Hamlet: This year I'm hoping my Toy Day present is black!Beth gave me a Santa hat she found in Able Sisters, so I could look a bit festive after all.

After a while, we took the boat out to the island. We caught some bugs and fish, and I also released a large oak silk moth in Beth’s face. I’m sure she appreciated it.

Releasing an oak silk moth in Beth's face.When we returned to Forest, we hung out in my house for a while. They were sitting on a Cinnamoroll sofa I ordered from Chai’s RV yesterday. I don’t plan on keeping it, but it’s certainly a unique item.

Hanging out in my house, with Beth and Squishy sitting on my Cinnamoroll sofa.At 11:15, I ended the session for the night. Thanks for coming, Beth and Squishy! I just now realized I never picked up my island catches from the dock box. Oh well, I’ll have a nice surprise the next time I happen to look in there (unless I remember to pick them up soon).

My recent dream visitors have been Kimchu from Uni, Fiona from AHS, and Naomi from Hattorf. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good weekend! I should be back with another entry tomorrow as Lily moves in. Hope to see you then!