I visited Beth’s town Acorn over the weekend, and we fell into holes after sitting on a tree stump.
I also started eating snow, although I don’t know why. Maybe I was just hungry.
On Sunday, Pashmina told me that she’s planning on moving out of town on February 8th (to experience some turf wars). I didn’t try to stop her. She’s been in town a good while (since September 2015), and I’m ready to let her move on. It’s been nice having her around, but I think I’ll scan in an Amiibo villager once she’s gone.
My snowmam was all melted away, so I tried to build a new one on Sunday. I rolled the snowballs over to my zen garden, but as I was walking, I accidentally bumped the bigger one onto the smaller one. As a result, I got a deformed snowtyke!
Yesterday, Rodeo asked me for a new catchphrase. I told him to say “or not.”
I tried making a snowmam yesterday and again today. Both times, I made snowmams…but they weren’t perfect ones. So they demanded five snowflakes (instead of three) for ice furniture. I’ve been making perfect snowmams without much trouble all winter, but now I’ve hit a rough stretch where I can’t seem to do it right. Maybe that angry, big-headed snowtyke put a curse on me.
Anyway, the northern lights were up in the sky tonight. We only have a few more weeks before the auroras (and the snow) are gone.
Luna told me my recent dream visitors have been Mayounna from Amy Rose, Eli from Town, Leah from Snowdin, and Ellis from Yatton. In addition, Rodeo mentioned meeting Krystal from Wildwood in a dream. Thank you all for stopping by!