I took my New Leaf villagers to the park recently, and my frogs felt right at home near the water.

Molly was there too, and she hopped into the lake for a quick swim. Well, maybe it was just a waddle.
I took those pictures with the Amiibo Camera in New Leaf, of course.
Yesterday, Jingle’s RV was over at the drive-in campground, so I went inside to check it out. Not surprisingly, he has some festive decorations, including some Christmas presents that haven’t been opened yet! How about giving me an NES Classic, Jingle?
Up at the Dream Suite, I got some beastly news from Luna: A total of 666 people have visited my dream town (since the update).
My recent dream visitors have been Bella from Loveland, Silver from Nintendo, and Lily from Tango.
Lily (the frog) asked me for some furniture, so I gave her an iron garden table that I bought at the campground. In return, she gave me her toilet.
And today, Big Top asked me for some furniture to replace his ninja sword. I used the opportunity to dump off my newest asset: the toilet from Lily!
He loved it, and he gave me a coat hanger in return. You never see trades like this in real life.
Over by my tulip topiary in the southwest park, Bob just randomly gave me a satellite. How can he afford such a thing? The price must have been sky high!
At the face-cutout standee, I put up the Harvey design that I got from Ninten the other day. I didn’t test it out by sticking my face through it though, and some of my regular visitors probably know why.
In the Egyptian part of town, I finally decided to do away with the sand…at least for winter. I never thought it looked right with the snow. There’s already snow on the Sphinx and pyramid, so why shouldn’t there be snow on the ground too? So I kicked the sand away.

I ended my night with a visit to the campground, where I watched the northern lights while sitting in front of the fire.
Just as a reminder, there is a search box in the sidebar (or click the menu button if you’re on a phone). You can find where I’ve mentioned a certain event, villager, or item. Or search your name and/or town to see if I’ve mentioned you as one of my dream visitors before! Of if you’d like to search all of JVGS (not just this blog), I have a separate search box on the JVGS home page.