Taking My Frogs to the Park

I took my New Leaf villagers to the park recently, and my frogs felt right at home near the water.

An Amiibo Camera picture showing my New Leaf residents Lily and Camofrog by a (real-life) lake.
Are they on a date? I’m not sure.

An Amiibo Camera picture showing my New Leaf residents Lily and Camofrog by a (real-life) lake.Molly was there too, and she hopped into the lake for a quick swim. Well, maybe it was just a waddle.

An Amiibo Camera picture showing my New Leaf resident Molly in a (real-life) lake.I took those pictures with the Amiibo Camera in New Leaf, of course.

Yesterday, Jingle’s RV was over at the drive-in campground, so I went inside to check it out. Not surprisingly, he has some festive decorations, including some Christmas presents that haven’t been opened yet! How about giving me an NES Classic, Jingle?

Inside of Jingle's RV at the campground.Up at the Dream Suite, I got some beastly news from Luna: A total of 666 people have visited my dream town (since the update).

Luna: Records state the number of clients who have experienced a dream about Forest is 666.

My recent dream visitors have been Bella from Loveland, Silver from Nintendo, and Lily from Tango.

Lily (the frog) asked me for some furniture, so I gave her an iron garden table that I bought at the campground. In return, she gave me her toilet.

Lily: Here's my toilet! Thank you so much for helping me!And today, Big Top asked me for some furniture to replace his ninja sword. I used the opportunity to dump off my newest asset: the toilet from Lily!

Big Top: Oh! A toilet! This is perfect!He loved it, and he gave me a coat hanger in return. You never see trades like this in real life.

Over by my tulip topiary in the southwest park, Bob just randomly gave me a satellite. How can he afford such a thing? The price must have been sky high!

Bob: Hey! I found the satellite you've been hunting for, Jeff.At the face-cutout standee, I put up the Harvey design that I got from Ninten the other day. I didn’t test it out by sticking my face through it though, and some of my regular visitors probably know why. 😛

A Harvey design on the face-cutout standee.In the Egyptian part of town, I finally decided to do away with the sand…at least for winter. I never thought it looked right with the snow. There’s already snow on the Sphinx and pyramid, so why shouldn’t there be snow on the ground too? So I kicked the sand away.

Kicking away sand near my sphinx.
Sorry, sand, if you thought I was never give you up and desert you.

I ended my night with a visit to the campground, where I watched the northern lights while sitting in front of the fire.

Sitting by the fire at the campground, watching the northern lights up in the sky.Just as a reminder, there is a search box in the sidebar (or click the menu button if you’re on a phone). You can find where I’ve mentioned a certain event, villager, or item. Or search your name and/or town to see if I’ve mentioned you as one of my dream visitors before! Of if you’d like to search all of JVGS (not just this blog), I have a separate search box on the JVGS home page.

Dreaming of Ninten

I made a dream visit to the official Japanese New Leaf town of Ninten (dream address 0000-000F-4241). To be clear, this is not the same town that they had before the update (the one with Splatoon patterns). As far as I know, that town has not been re-uploaded.

Ninten has several face-cutout standees, including K.K., Harvey, Callie, Marie, and Hello Kitty. Wendell is also present in town, so you can take these designs home with you and put them on your own standees.

Using the Harvey face-cutout standee in the official Japanese New Leaf town of Ninten.
Hey, do you see this? There’s a bird on my head, man.
A Hello Kitty face-cutout standee in the official Japanese New Leaf town of Ninten.
Hello, Kitty.

The town features a number of villagers unlocked with Amiibo figures: Viché, Cece, Felyne, Ganon, and W. Link (Wolf Link).

W. Link (Wolf Link): Welcome, friend! You've popped up in the house of W. Link!Ganon: Hey! You're not from around here, are you?Cece's Splatoon themed room.

Three of the 50 villagers unlocked with Welcome Amiibo cards also reside here: Julia, Ursala, and Tad. And the Sanrio cards released in Japan and Europe are represented in Ninten with Toby and Rilla.

Most of the player houses aren’t very developed: Only one of them has more than two rooms. But that one big house is definitely cool. I particularly liked seeing the new items in the Zelda themed room.

A room full of Zelda items unlocked by Amiibos in the Japanese New Leaf dream town of Ninten.

There’s also a Monster Hunter room upstairs.

A Monster Hunter themed room in the New Leaf dream town of Ninten.

The basement has some sweet super-sized items that are unlocked when you link Happy Home Designer to New Leaf.

A room full of sweets, including a giant cake and a gingerbread house. A giant ant is also nearby.

While the town does show off a lot of the new Amiibo features, it’s otherwise kind of a blah town. It’s messy, with lots of weeds, clovers, mushrooms, and buried items all over the place.

Sanrio designs in the messy town of Ninten.

I wish they would have redesigned the old town instead of starting fresh with this one. But still, if you’d like to check out many of the Amiibo items and villagers for yourself, this is a good place to visit. Again, the dream address is 0000-000F-4241.

A Sanrio themed room in the dream town of Ninten.For more dream towns to visit, please check out Jeff’s Dream Suite Adventures.

Back in Forest…

I found Rolf sitting on the metal bench the other night, so I stopped briefly to join him.

Rolf: The seat next to me is open, so feel free to take a load off for a bit!Sitting with Rolf on a metal bench PWP.

Tonight, I noticed the northern lights up in the sky.

The northern lights up in the sky over Forest.

Saharah was in town, and I don’t always bother hiring her any more. But since she was already standing right next to my house, and I’m lazy, I said why not? She installed a backgammon wall and office flooring in my house. Needless to say, I took them both down after she left. 😛

A backgammon wall and office flooring on display in my house. Thanks for nothing, Saharah.

My recent dream visitors have been Luna from Zirconia, Emireee from Leafre, Nikki from Srafroco, and Lunala from Naraku. Thanks for stopping by!

If you’re a Splatoon fan, please check out my latest video, Kill Combo Compilation #4. It’s my latest collection of triple-kills and quad kills, shown back-to-back.

January FNF

Last night, I had a chat with Rodeo outdoors. He said he couldn’t see a thing. Even though he blamed the darkness, I’m pretty sure it’s just because his hair was in his eyes!

Rodeo: Oh, it's Jeff! Sorry... It was so dark, I couldn't see a thing!

Tonight, about 10:05, I opened up my gate for Friday Night Forest. Beth came over, followed by Mike–who was dressed like a frog! We took a picture by the FNF sign I made a bit earlier (like…20 minutes earlier).

Beth, Jeff, and Mike stand by the Friday Night Forest sign for January 13, 2017.We went back to my house, where I offered to share my pizza with them.

Jeff, to everyone standing near a pizza: Have a slice.Then we went up to the frog room, where Mike got to hang out with his green brothers.

Jeff, in a frog room: Toadally.I went away for a couple minutes, and when I returned, I found myself in the basement! One (or both) of them pushed me down the stairs! They could have killed me! But I got them back when they both sat down. I stood in the middle, so neither of them could get up again.

Trapping Beth and Mike on a golden sofa.Of course they got me back back by trapping me against a brewstoid, but it was worth it.

Eventually, I escaped and we went up to Main Street. Beth shopped, and then we talked about the Nintendo Switch and the games we were looking forward to. By the way, I hope you’ll give a look to my thoughts on last night’s Nintendo Switch presentation here.

Shortly after 11:00, Meli came over to visit! I hadn’t played with her in a very long time! I invited everyone over to the FNF sign to get a picture of the four of us.

Mike, Jeff, Beth, and Meli standing by the Friday Night Forest sign.We went to my house for a bit, and then we all headed over to the campground. I had scanned Hopkins’ card before opening, so we paid him a visit.

Me, Meli, and Beth hanging out in Hopkins' RV.And we also hung out in front of the fire pit to keep warm.

Jeff, Mike, Beth, and Meli hanging out at the fire pit at the campground.After I saw Harvey sipping coffee, I suggested that we all get some of our own. So most of us headed to the Roost, while Mike caught a stringfish in the river! I saved the game, and it’s a good thing. Because just a couple minutes later, we all got disconnected. I decided not to reopen the gate. But thanks to Beth, Mike, and Meli for coming tonight!

I forgot about it being Friday the 13th, so I didn’t put on a hockey mask and chase them around with an axe. I’m sure they’re disappointed about that. 😛

My recent dream visitors have been Graham from Dogville, Jackie from Boba, Nolan from DAnimals, and Juliet from OnceVale. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good weekend!