The other night, Lily approached with a deal that was fair.
She offered to sell me her own froggy chair!
On Monday, she asked me to play hide and seek.
She, Rodeo, and Molly hid; I agreed not to peek.
I had ten minutes to hunt all of them down.
They could be hiding anywhere in town.
Lily didn’t hide very well. In fact, she kinda stinks.
Because I found her quite quickly, right near the Sphinx.
The others’ hiding spots were nearly as lame;
I found them soon after, and I then won the game.
Lily complimented me on my really good eyes.
Then she gave me a breaker, as my winner’s prize.
Tuesday, Molly asked me to join her and I followed my gut.
I sat on the metal bench, and it soon froze my butt.
My friendship with Rodeo is growing, and climbing the ranks.
He started using my nickname, which is sadly, no thanx.
Something happened today that was worthy of note.
I said my goodbyes to Pashmina the goat.
I’ve enjoyed having her around, but it’s no time to mourn.
Because I’ll see her again, in Beth’s town of Acorn.
Beth fell in a pitfall, but don’t worry, she’s not dead.
She’s just pretending to be Harvey, with a bird on her head.
Jasmine from Cuddles, Penny from Capri, Arwen from Avalar.
They visited my dream. Hope you found Forest to be up to par.
I believe that this is the first time…
That I’ve made a full entry rhyme.
I don’t expect it to make you go crazy, like Lloid.
But I hope that it’s something that you have enjoyed.
Sable is a tailor and Leif is a florist.
I’ll be back in two days, for Friday Night Forest.
Wow Jeff,oh wow! You’re so good at rhyming.
Still,it’s quite possible you chose the wrong timing.
I had pashmina in my new leaf town. She moved so that’s something we have in common
My dream of Forest was most heavenly, I had a ball!
However, I always seem to forget about the pitfall…
With such blissful ignorance and optimism, behind the cutout sign I trod,
But bygones are bygones in the land of nod.
Haha, you always make me laugh
In this entry, you did with every paragraph!
World record broken – most hashtags in Jeff’s comment section. (I think so anyway)
Thank you very much for the round of applause.
My villagers clapped too, but they used their paws.
Is Dr. Seuss’ birthday today? Or is it Dr. Seuss Week?
It is not Dr. Seuss week, nor Dr. Seuss season.
I just started rhyming, for no particular reason!
Even in the comment sections you rhyming… can you rhyme with orange. ;3
Home on the range