The other night, Vivian informed me that Saharah was in town. Except she didn’t spell her name right; she called her Sahara!
On Monday, I spotted a new sign on the bulletin board. It serves as a reminder that Festivale is coming up next Monday, February 27th!
If you need to know more about how the event works, check out my Festivale Guide.
Yesterday, I found my old friend Puck camping in an igloo at the campsite. My town is already full, so I couldn’t ask him to move in, but it’s good to see him again.
Today, Aurora sent me a letter in the mail. She sent me a 1-up cap, and she said it took her over five hours to pick this out! Five hours?! Get a life.
Over near the town tree, I built a perfect snowmam. This is the last one I’ll need to build, since the snow will be gone as of Saturday morning.
After selling some gems to villagers and fossils to Reese, I deposited some money into my bank account. It was enough to make my balance reach 92 million bells.
Once I get a bit closer to 100 million, I’m probably going to start doing some island fishing and bug-catching. It’s been so long since I’ve earned a new badge.
Back in town, Rodeo sniffed out the hourglass in my pockets! He must have a really good sense of smell! I bet it’s taken lots of time to perfect it.
In return, he gave me a four-ball tee.
And I thought cattle only had four stomachs…
When I ran into Molly, she was quite attracted to me. I’m guessing this is related to me wearing a lucky item or something, but I didn’t stop at Katrina’s to confirm it. I’ll just enjoy Molly’s affection while I have it.
My recent dream visitors have been Totoro from Forest, Spencer from Duskwood, Maxine from Euphoria, Inuyashe from Uke Land, Molly from Moshland, Scorpius from Scorpio, and Paige from Oakwood. Thanks for stopping by!
Update: I just noticed that this is the 1,002nd entry in this blog. But the first two posts were basically previews, just looking forward to the game. So this is the 1,000th entry since I got the game. Thank you to everyone who continues to read this blog!
If you’re interested, you can find the very first entry (my introduction) here, and my first gameplay entry here.