Festivale 2017

Yesterday, Beth came over to pick up some extra pink roses that I had (and to see Forest again now that the snow has melted). We sat on the bench for a moment, and we were joined by our friend Camofrog. 😛

Beth and Jeff sitting on the bench, with Camofrog walking by.I also visited her town of Acorn, where we ate some leftover chocolate.

Beth and Jeff react after eating chocolate.Back in Forest, I bought one of Big Top’s unwanted items to help him out. Now he can afford to buy what he really wanted, on Switch!

Big Top: This worked out perfectly! Now I've got the bells to buy the thing I really want, on Switch!Today, Festivale was underway! Confetti pours from the sky, and villagers wear some silly headgear for the event. 😛

Rodeo: When I woke up this morning, the sky was pouring confetti!The villagers all seem to be in a great mood.

Lily: Today's the celebration of dance and music called Festivale! Don't be shy! Just dance and have fun!And over at the event plaza, I found Pavé the dancing peacock.

Pave: VIVA...FESTIVALE!He asked me to collect three green feathers for him. Feathers will be floating around town, but they can be hard to spot among the confetti. Over by my southwest park, I caught a rainbow feather! They can be exchanged immediately for a piece of furniture.

Yippeeeee! I got a rainbow feather! These are extremely rare!

But I had to catch a total of 19 feathers before I finally got three green ones. This event is very time-consuming. Pavé rewarded me with his Pavé clock.

Pave: Pave is generous and attractive., so Pave will give you this Pave clock.

He then wanted red feathers, and I only had two. So I went around town a few more times, and I eventually found a third red feather. Pavé gave me a Pavé table for them.

Next, he wanted white feathers
and I had none. So I saved and quit my game, and then restarted. This time he wanted blue feathers, which I had. After redeeming them, I repeated this process a couple more times to try to use up more of my feathers. In all, I acquired eight Pavé furniture items. I put them in storage with my ice furniture until my Re-Tail has a premium on furniture.

Bob was indoors during the time I played, but he said he would go out and dance later.

Bob: Things look pretty crazy outside. I'm gonna go get my dance on later, on my paws.

If you need a list of Pavé furniture or any more information, check out my Festivale Guide.

Luna told me my most recent dream visitor was Wayland from Waypoint. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you all enjoyed your Festivale!

7 thoughts on “Festivale 2017”

  1. Thanks for having such an awesome town, Jeff! It was a pleasure to dream of it, and I’m about to do so again.

    Warmly from Waypoint,

  2. Festivale is quite annoying for me too. Watching that peacock dance is just torture.
    All I needed to complete the set was the PavĂ© End Table, but HE KEPT GIVING ME PAVE FLOORS! I was like ‘How many rolls of carpets do you have in your pocket??’

    I think you can get the end table from his RV, though. 🙂


  3. FestivalĂ© is a weird holiday in AC for me. In Let’s Go to the City, instead of getting 3 blue feathers.. I got 12 blue feathers and 3 green feathers
 I gave the blue feathers to my friend. After I realised my mistake, I looked for blue feathers and couldn’t find any. It has happened to me every single year. I even wrote the colour down once. And yeah

    New Leaf was the worst
.. I have a bit of a banana habit in New Leaf
. so I spent the whole time pooping bananas.

    Also, if Big Top knows about the NX, is there an ad in the AC universe that referrences it? I wonder..

      1. Yes. You see, it was at a time when I was collecting bananas. (aka forcing my friends to get some for me)

        I wanted every single room in my file Banana’s house to be filled with bananas.. After that, ny friend gave me an infinite banana basket. And I filled my locker.. So I decided to poop bananas.

        My banana problem is why every AC town I own is named Banana.

  4. Damn it, I didn’t know you could change the colour Pave wanted by saving and quitting 😛 I’m going to have to time travel back and get the rest of my feathers exchanged for high-value furniture haha

    1. I found that out the hard way, actually. I saved and quit, did other things a while, then when I came back collected my second and third of the color he’d last requested before i quit- only to discover he now wanted a different color.

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