Milestones and FNF

Yesterday, I put some money into my bank account, and my balance reached 93 million bells. Probably just a few more months until I reach 100 million!

Your current balance is 93,000,000 bells.And over at the Dream Suite, Luna told me my dream visitor count has topped 1,000 visitors (since the update). Thanks to all who have visited. 🙂

Luna: Records state the number of clients who have experienced a dream about Forest is 1,003.

Tonight, I opened my gate at 10:00 for Friday Night Forest. T Zelda (TZ) came over to visit.

T Zelda (TZ) arrives in Forest.We talked about a Switch (she doesn’t have one yet), and after a while, she found the pitfall behind the face-cutout standee.

T Zelda: Pitfall behind standee. -_-So we walked around town and eventually went back to my house. We were talking about food and drinks. She told me about chocolate marshmallow flavored milk, and eggnog that’s coming out for Easter. She wondered why eggnog was coming out now, and I suggested maybe they take Easter eggs and
nog them? Or something. 😛

Jeff: Bunny lays the egg.Upstairs, we started applauding my frogs. I’m not even sure why. Maybe they’re just good frogs. 😛

Jeff and T Zelda (TZ) applauding frogs.We also got some coffee and drank it on the metal bench.

TZ and Jeff drinking coffee on the bench in Forest.TZ later pointed out that there was no Amiibo RV at the drive-in campground. I had forgotten to scan one. So I ended the session temporarily, scanned my Candi card, and then re-opened town. We went to say hello to Candi.

Candi, in her RV: But when Mother Nature calls to you, you do NOT ignore her, you know?
True. When you gotta go, you gotta go.

TZ ordered a few items from the RV. After that, TZ was ready to call it a night, so I ended the session. See you next month!

My recent dream visitors have been Audrey from Idris and Caitlin from New York. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good weekend!

4 thoughts on “Milestones and FNF”

  1. Yay, congrats to 1k!

    Also, I missed visiting last night 😛 It must be the first one I missed since like, August, or something.

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