Rolf’s Birthday

Yesterday, I saw a huge dragonfly and I knew it was a petaltail. So I got my net out and caught it. It seems like the biggest bugs are the most fun to catch. Of course, the petaltail sells for 8,000 bells, so that contributes to the enjoyment as well. 😉

I caught a petaltail dragonfly! It may be big, but I'm bigger! 167.3mmBoots told me he went shopping with Rolf, and he got his space suit on!

Boots: I went shopping with Rolf the other day. On impulse, I got my space suit on.
Where did you go shopping? Mars?

Actually, he was just asking me to buy his space suit for 288 bells. I went ahead and bought it to help him out. Now give me your picture please.

Today was Rolf’s birthday, so I made sure to attend his birthday party.

Rolf: Oh! You came to celebrate my birthday, Little J?For his present, I gave him a customized robo-chair that I bought at Re-Tail. While he wasn’t thrilled with the gift, he still appreciated that I came to his party.

Aurora was also at Rolf’s party, but she kept talking about herself.

Aurora: I wonder who will show up to my birthday party? I can count on you, right, ice cube?Back outside, I found Bob sitting on the yellow bench. He asked me to join him, so I did.

Bob and Jeff sit on a yellow bench PWP in Animal Crossing: New Leaf for Nintendo 3DS.Fortunately, I was able to get Agent S to change her mind about moving. Of course, she wasn’t going to move until August 30th anyway. So it wasn’t exactly a close call, but it’s still good to know she’s staying.

Agent S: Right now it's looking like I'll go on the 30th of this month. Don't get me wrong, I love this place.Booker’s recently-expanded upstairs room is now 6×6.

Booker stands in his empty upstairs room.But I need it to be 8×8, so I expanded it once again. Tom Nook’s crew will complete the work by tomorrow.

Awesome!Luna informed that Lola from Kingdom was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for stopping by!

6 thoughts on “Rolf’s Birthday”

  1. Happy happy birthday!
    Happy birthday, Rolf!

    I want to add you on the Switch, but I can’t for a number of reasons.
    1. I’m asleep when you open your town gate.
    2. Animal Crossing on the Switch isn’t out yet, and I’m not interested in any other games that much.
    3. I don’t have a Switch.

    RIP me.

  2. Is it always Sunday at 8 to visit your town? I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and I would love to visit your town! Or you could visit mine. I’ve only just started back up playing New Leaf again and it seems little to nobody is online. Either that or I have bad luck.

    1. No, it was just a one-time thing for the fireworks. I don’t plan on opening again anytime soon, sorry.

      If Nintendo Switch gets an Animal Crossing game, I’ll probably open my gate in that game regularly, but who knows when/if that will happen. If you have a Switch, feel free to send a friend request to 0442-0992-5516.

      1. Dang it. Oh well. It’s fine thought I would ask just in case it wasn’t a one time thing.

        Unfortunately I don’t have a Nintendo Switch
..yet. I wish they would hurry up and make/announce an Animal Crossing game for it. I would like to see what they could do next for the series.

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