When visiting Boots’ house, I saw that he had displayed the picnic basket I gave him. The bad news? He put it in the spot where the eight lamp was!
A few days later, Boots asked me to catch an oak silk moth for him. I did, and he gave me a waffle shirt as my reward. He put the moth in the same spot where the picnic basket was. Is that the only part of his house that he ever redecorates? How lazy of him.
On Sunday, Vivian pinged me to suggest a new public works project (PWP)! She suggested a modern streetlight.

I went inside of town hall to take a look at it. At only 64,000 bells, it is a pretty inexpensive PWP. I do like the modern stuff, but I’m not planning on putting this in anytime soon. I’m just happy to get another PWP suggestion added to my list of choices. I still need two more snooty suggestions from Vivian, though.
Tonight, I found Bob enjoying a catnap on the yellow bench in the park. He seems to use this bench a lot! This is the 4th time I’ve found him there in the past two months! I decided not to wake him up and just let him sleep.
Camofrog pinged me, and he finally said the words I’ve longed to hear: He’s leaving! He’ll be moving out on September 23rd, and I’m quite happy about that! That means I’ll be able to move someone else in the following week. Yes, I already know who it’ll be. But no, I’m not telling yet.
My recent dream visitors have been Berna from Istanbul, Brayden from Popcicle, Xaviar from Big City, Riley from Merde, and Raven from Newberry. Thanks for stopping by!
I think I have an idea who that villager might be..
I’m really happy. Y’know why? I have a Sprocket amiibo card and I’ll convince him to move in tomorrow! Yay!
I find that Ursala and Wade, my two RV villagers, tend to only redecorate tiny portions of their homes. It’s okay though. They have rather awesome homes.
Please be careful adding too many amiibo villagers. I’m finding that those added that way tend to not leave unless scanned out. Example: I’ve had Ursala, Zucker, and Wade almost a year and neither have tried leaving. Flo moved in naturally during that time and moved out on her own within two months. All that being said, I can’t wait to see who takes Camofrog’s place!
On that note, once you get the remaining PWPs you need from Vivian you’ll have to just scan her replacement without waiting for her to ask about moving. Same with Boots and his pic, unless of course you actually want him to stay forever.
Let me guess..
Are you putting in Gaston or something?
You’ll have to wait and see, because I’m not telling who it is yet.
My money is on one of the “Splatoon” or “Zelda” Amiibo villagers. Guess we’ll all find out for sure soon enough.
So annoying that Boots only redecorates that tiny bit