On Sunday, Kira from Zodell let me visit her town to check out Ursala’s RV. Ursala has been in my GameCube town for over a decade, but I don’t think I had seen her in New Leaf yet. She was one of the villagers added in the Welcome Amiibo update, via Amiibo Cards. Ursala seems to run a flower shop out of her RV!
Kira had some free items available by her gate, and I took a Splatoon spawn point. Even though Kira didn’t ask for anything in return, I gave her a basket of perfect peaches.
Rolf recently told me that he’s been feeling down lately, and not himself.

Boots asked me to return something that Molly left at his house. I made the delivery, and Molly said that she had already bought another one. But the curious part is that the item was a peach. Why would you buy one when there are peach trees all over town??
She let me have the peach as my reward. Exciting. Anyway, I returned to Boots to tell him I made the delivery. He thanked me, and then he noticed the three lamp in my pockets! He offered me 750 bells for it, and I agreed. But he then gave me 900 bells.
I later checked out the lamp inside his house.
The next time I visited Molly’s house, she told me she was just about to write a poem about a blowtorch! Seems a bit odd, Molly, but whatever lights your fire for writing.
Vivian asked me for a peach on Tuesday. Luckily for her, the first peach tree I spotted was a perfect peach tree. So I gave her a perfect peach, and she loved it! She rewarded me with a king.
As I was walking near Booker’s house, I heard someone fall into a pitfall. I went over to the face-cutout standee, and there I saw Rolf in a hole behind the gravestone. R.I.P. Rolf.

I made a dream visit to the spooky town of Hula Key. It seemed like the perfect town to visit around Halloween. It has some great patterns, lots of flowers and PWPs, some creepy rooms to visit, a surprisingly lighthearted pet shop, a great arcade, and more. There’s even a game within a game, where you try to find all five bodies scattered outside.
For more info and a bunch of pictures, see my Dream Suite Adventure.
Actually, I’ve been visiting a lot of dream towns lately…I caught up on my suggested dreams, and I visited a bunch of random ones as well. So if you’ve seen a Jeff from Forest who visited your dream recently…that was me.
If you’re wondering why I’ve suddenly picked up the pace, my reasoning may sound strange to you. It’s because Miiverse is closing in early November. As far as I know, that is the only way to take a proper screenshot of the bottom 3DS screen (without an expensive 3DS capture device), and I’ve been saving screenshots of my badge collection for a while now (for a future GIF).
So I made it a goal to visit 500 dream towns before then. And now, I’ve done it. Phineas showed up in my town today to give me the Mr. Sandman badge!
Here is the updated look at my badges.
While I’m hoping to get one or two more before Miiverse ends, it’s probably not very likely. Regardless, I’ll probably post that GIF in a blog entry shortly after we say goodbye to Miiverse.
One other note: Boots recently took the bait and bought my two lamp from me. I don’t have a picture of it inside his house yet, but I’ll try to get that for next time.
My recent dream visitors have been Shomari from D.Valley, Kathryn from Roseland, Cath from Calgary, and Abriana from Berwick. Boots also mentioned Lizzy from Quetzyl and Ploum from Froumot. Thank you all for visiting!