As I went in Boots’ house to check out his two lamp on Sunday, he happened to ask me for furniture again. As you might’ve guessed, I already had a customized one lamp in my pockets ready for him.

Monday, Boots offered to trade his office chair for my zero lamp! That’s the last number I he needed!
The countdown is now complete!
Big Top asked me to bury a time capsule for him. I buried it in the northwest corner of town (behind Re-Tail), and I’ll be sure not to open it this time.
Of course, yesterday was Halloween. I played a little bit to collect a few pumpkin heads I didn’t seem to have in storage any more.
I also loaded up my Booker character, since his mailbox was about to burst. He headed over to Re-Tail to sell some gifts from Mom, and he got harassed by a bunch of pumpkin-headed villagers. He was forced to talk to Molly…for the first time.
As I switched back to Jeff, I took this screenshot of a purple pumpkin-headed villager on the title screen.
Now that I wasn’t carrying any number lamps around, Boots asked me for my clothes instead. So I sold him my lightning tee.
I’ve been giving away a bunch of my extra villager pictures lately. The only ones I have left are Agent S, Big Top, Daisy, Molly, and Rolf. Let me know if you’d like any of them.
November started today, and that means that it’s mushroom season now! I found a rare mushroom (worth 16,000 bells), and I also found a mush table disguised as a mushroom.
At the campground, Harvey was feeding the birds. He gave me another set of beans, even though I already have one set. If you want it, let me know!
My recent dream visitors have been Brandon from Coolvill, Annie from Hylia, and Claudia from FairyOak. Thank you all for stopping by!
o.o jeff your on TBT???
what is your user so i can track you XD
Yes, I’ve actually been on there for years, I just don’t use it super frequently. Although I have been on there more in the last few weeks. Maybe I’ll make a new giveaway thread there soon. I’m giving away some Wii U consoles and wet suits (in addition to the 3 villager pics I have left). My name there is jvgsjeff.
my user is bunny from tiger :p
i sent you a pm :p
I replied, but I must have missed you. If I don’t see you on there tonight, I’ll check again tomorrow night.
are yu still doing this i want molly
I could. I do still have a Molly pic I could give you. Are you able to contact me on social media?
No sorry. Thanks for answering though! Maybe you could email. I really like your blogs. By the way, I’ll pay you 100,000 bells. Sorry its not much, but i just started playing a month ago!
Okay, I’ll send you an email. I don’t need any bells, though.
Thursday will maybe work. Either that or Friday. Thank you so much! I will pay you with a toilet. The one my Molly gave me. Lol just kidding (maybe)
My code is 176-7076-1818
I registered you thanks fotr the trouble. Also sorry but could I caralogue some dlcs? I got the game very recently so I dont have any
plz help me kill eugene
That’s not a valid friend code.
If you see any in my house (feel free to visit via the Dream Suite), let me know and you can catalog them. But I’m not going to order additional items, I just offered these pics to clear out what I already had.
Okay ill check my code tomorrow. And thanks again for the trouble! I’ll check the dream town tomorrow.
Hi Jeff! Could I have the remaining pictures you have? Please
Yeah, I can give you one of each if we’re able to meet up within a day or two. What’s your friend code? Mine is 4613-6863-2685.
Thanks Jeff! My FC is 1306-9485-7662
If you can we could try later today? Like at 10 pm ACC time?
Yeah, 10pm should work. See you then.
Okay, I’m here. Please open your gate when you’re ready and I’ll drop off the pics.
Okay I waited through a full charge of my 3DS. If you or anyone else wants the pics, please contact me on social media or on Bell Tree Forums. Arranging a time through blog entries never seems to work out.
Omg, I’m sorry! I returned home after college and I was exhausted. I’ll contact you on ACC community
It’s okay, things happen. Okay, I’ll keep an eye out for messages on ACC.