Britt recently let me visit Billy’s RV. Thanks, Britt! I needed the black phone for Booker’s house. But when I saw this hideous “lucky doll,” I had to order it as well.
For now, I just put in my Halloween themed room with all the other creepy items.
I visited Merka’s town over the weekend. We uh, planted some beans.
I had a chat with some of her villagers, and I apparently made Drake sad when I told him the town was dirty. Oops.
After a night at the Zelda Symphony on Saturday, I found six new StreetPass homes in the Happy Homes Showcase. I made sure to check out all of their houses.
On Sunday, my bank account balance reached 103 million bells.
In addition to giving some things away on Bell Tree and Facebook lately, I’ve also been visiting Club Tortimer. It’s mainly been to look for rare items in the shop (to then give away). But I’ve also met some interesting people. Olivia put on this werewolf hood, and then she started howling and growling.
I’ve also gone on some tours while on the islands.
On Monday, Vivian suggested a new PWP (public works project)! She said we should build a modern bench in town.
This is what it looks like. Honestly, it looks kind of plain. I normally like the modern PWPs, but this one looks like sit.
Lily asked me to fetch Bob for her. When I told Bob the news, he seemed afraid of Lily! He asked me to come along to protect him! From Lily? Wow, Bob is such a scaredy-cat!
But of course Lily wasn’t mad at Bob. She heard Bob was looking for her, but it turns out he just wanted to know how to spell a word! Except that he couldn’t remember what the word was.
I found Rolf sitting on the metal bench, so I had a seat next to him.
Later, I found Bob in the same spot, although he was taking a cat nap. I sat next to him, but I didn’t wake him up.
On another Club Tortimer visit, I went on a gardening tour with Jacob. We won the gold Tortimer award, and Jacob seemed really happy about it.
On the international island, I ran into a Japanese player who gave me a basket of each perfect fruit. That was nice of her.
Miiverse closed late last night, and I have not earned any more badges. Although I think I must be getting close to earning the gold visitor badge. I figured that I could perhaps edit my previous badge screen image once I get that one, so I’m not posting that GIF of my badges just yet. Hopefully soon, though! Don’t worry, I’m not going to wait for the weed-pulling or StreetPassing badges. Those could take years.
My recent dream visitors have been Fingus from Catville, Linkling from Poké, D1PP3R from Huricane, Colin from Domden, Haliegh from Mahogany, and Luna from Patue. Thank you all for visiting!
Just so you know: It’s dangerous to go to Club Tortimer nowadays. I’ve seen a story where some hacker there tried ruining a player’s inventory with junk items named “boo”.
Just beware of Club Tortimer hackers; some are bad, some are good.
jeff i need you to help me
i need us to both fall in pitfalls for a photo challange
I barely go on Club Tortimer anymore. xD
One reason is people literally look for BFs and GFs on there, another is there are people who are asking for friends, then steal items…..
So that is why I barely go on there.
Yeah if anyone’s acting too weird, I’ll leave. I normally leave pretty quickly anyway, since I’m mainly interested in shop items. I don’t see how people could steal items, though? Kapp’n keeps your belongings so you don’t even have them with you, other that whatever you’re wearing.
When they ask me to add them, I normally agree. Then they ask to come to mine innocently, I agree and then all of my perfect fruit and flowers are gone. It is annoying.
My town*
Oh, okay. Yeah, I hate people that steal like that.
Does anybody want to be friends ? My code is 2080-0282-6557