Boots’ Pic

Last week, Colin came over for a short visit to see my museum exhibits. I saw that one room had my creepy furniture and some pumpkin heads… I forgot all that stuff was in there! In fact, I was wondering what happened to all the pumpkin heads I used to have. They were up here all along! Oops!

Jeff: I forgot it was here!After one of my villagers gave me a boxing barricade on Friday, I noticed another boxing barricade on sale at Re-Tail. So I put mine up next to it, for the moment at least. 😛

Two boxing barricades next to each other at Re-Tail.Over the weekend, Boots asked me for some fruit. I gave him a perfect orange (that I got from Squishy), and he rewarded me with his picture! Finally!

Boots: Here you go! It's a gently used Boots's pic! Enjoy!

I took it home to get a good look at it. His favorite quote is “Strength lies in muscles.”

Boots' pic in Animal Crossing: New Leaf for Nintendo 3DS.

Just like week, I once again found Bob sleeping on a bench. But this time, he was on the yellow bench in the southwest part of town.

Bob sleeps on a yellow bench in ACNL.

I had perfect oranges as my premium item on Sunday, so I let Squishy know. She came over to smuggle sell some oranges. She also gave me a basket of oranges so I can keep spoiling my villagers. Thanks, Squishy!

Squishy arrives at the Forest train station in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

Kiwi recently let me visit Raddle’s RV. He’s an unusual looking frog (then again, many frogs in the game look a bit odd). He’s a black frog with yellow dots, wearing a surgical mask.

Raddle in his RV in Animal Crossing: New Leaf for Nintendo 3DS.

Since I’ve still had Zelda music in my head lately, I changed my town tune to Saria’s Song (aka the Lost Woods theme from Ocarina of Time).

Isabelle: Oh my! What a wonderful theme! It's to my ears! Literally!

Bunny from Tiger was giving away some items tonight, and I picked out a Pondering music box. I picked it up at her town, and then put it in my house. Thanks, Bunny!

Bunny from Tiger and Jeff.

When I spoke to Big Top, he kept telling me about chats he’s had with people. He mentioned three people that haven’t even played in my town for years…and one of them isn’t even on my friend roster any more. I guess the elephant has a long memory.

That’s how Bob was in my ACCF town. He was a long-time resident who had chatted with almost everyone I had played with. And I was very sad when Bob moved away. In a way, Big Top is like the Bob of New Leaf (even though I also have Bob in New Leaf…and Aurora has been in New Leaf Forest even longer than Big Top).

But anyway, Big Top asked for a new catchphrase to replace “on Switch.” So I told him to say “up my nose.”

Big Top: Calm down, boss. I want you to speak slowly, up my nose!

My recent dream visitors have been Elliott from Forest, Jamie from Maywood, Tiffany from Ganache, Cheese from St Binah, and Mayounna from Amy Rose. Thanks for stopping by!

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