Once the snow started falling, I noticed that Harvey put on a St. Patrick’s Day green hat.
Big Top won last weekend’s fishing tournament, while Hornbsy was 2nd and Aurora was 3rd.
Snow covered the ground as of December 11th, and just today, festive lights started appearing on some cedar trees. That motivated me to get my frosty ice brick path out of (design) storage.
Even though I didn’t fully decorate my house for the season, I at least put up my white festive tree in the main room of my house.
My villagers have been giving me more Toy Day hints, but I don’t have all of them yet. Here’s what I know so far about what the animals want:
- Agent S: something gray
- Aurora: an umbrella
- Big Top: a black doll
- Boots: a pink lamp
- Hornsby: a red plant
- Molly: carpet
- Rolf: a pink umbrella
- Vivian: something pink
I’m not even sure if I’m going to play on Christmas Eve. But if I have most or all of my hints by then, I may play since it generally doesn’t take too long when you know what everyone wants.
Rolf told me that he wanted to move away…on December 25th! On Christmas Day? No way, tiger. You’re stuck here in Forest, like it or not.
Vivian asked to visit my house, and I stupidly let her come over. Even though she repeatedly said she would only visit for a minute, she hung around for at least 20 minutes. Why did I ever agree to this?
Not only that, but in my room full of monster masks, she said the room was SO me! Excuse me?! You’re the one that belongs in here, werewolf girl!
My recent dream visitors have been Oscar from Nugville, Alfredo from Smithson, Jake from Poketown, JenJen from Tall Oak, Abriana from MistWood, and Xavier from Quigley. Thank you all for visiting, and have a good weekend!
WHY does Rolf want a pink umbrella?
Boots STILL wants a lamp… even after that whole number lamp mumbo-jumbo-hoopla thing-a-ma-jig.
Haha, true! He’s already had a number of lamps recently.
Is Friday Night Forest still planned to be on hiatus for New Leaf?
Yeah, I probably won’t be hosting FNF anytime soon.
I’m almost done with my hints for Christmas.