Today is Christmas Eve (Toy Day), and I was finally able to complete my Santa outfit. Outside, I spotted the northern lights for the first time this season. It’s definitely looking festive around town!
I found Jingle the black-nosed reindeer near the town tree. He gave me the Santa bag, which had all of my villagers’ Toy Day presents inside.
I then stopped to take this picture of Jingle, my town tree, the northern lights, and my modern clock.
I then started going around town to hand out everyone’s gifts. My first stop was Bob’s house.
It’s nice to see my villagers so happy when I give them a gift.
Boots’ gift was a lotus lamp, and of course he put it in the same spot where he always puts his lamps.
Since I had all of my clues, I was able to successfully get everyone’s gifts correctly. Here’s the list of what each villager wanted and what I gave them.
- Agent S: gray lamp – mini lamp
- Aurora: aqua umbrella – blue dot parasol
- Big Top: black doll – lucky black cat
- Bob: beige musical instrument – timpano drum
- Boots: a pink lamp – lotus lamp
- Hornsby: red plant – poinsettia
- Molly: gray carpet – modern tile
- Rolf: pink umbrella – candy umbrella
- Vivian: pink doll – wobbelina
So I returned to Jingle and told him I was done. He thanked me for the help, and he then gave me a festive wreath for my help.
My recent dream visitors have been Connor from Starloft and Jack from Newlea. Thanks for stopping by, and have a very Merry Christmas! If you’re getting a new copy of New Leaf for Christmas (either for the first time or for a 2nd/3rd/4th town), remember to use the face guide to start out your character right!
Happy Holidays!