Rolf was sitting on the metal bench on Thursday night, thinking about life as the cold winter winds blow.

Last night, I spotted the northern lights up in the sky. The entrance to Resetti’s Surveillance Center was open, but I didn’t bother visiting the angry mole.
Yesterday was Vivian’s birthday, so I made sure to attend her birthday party. We had a howling good time.
Aurora was also there to help her celebrate. I gave Vivian a seven lamp that I bought at Re-Tail for her birthday present. She thought it was fantastic! I have no plans of making any lamp countdowns in her house, though.

After the party, I did a little designing at Able Sisters. I recreated the guard’s uniform, which is what Copper and Booker wear in City Folk and Wild World. In City Folk, this design was sent out as DLC.
The design is available on the QR Codes page if you’d like to use it for yourself.
Then today, I got a letter from Vivian, thanking me for the present (and for attending her party). She sent me an alpine lamp.
But there was another birthday today, Aurora! So I attended her party, and guess who was there? Vivian! Not only are their birthdays on back-to-back days, but they both attended each other’s party. They must be best friends.
I gave Aurora the alpine lamp as her birthday present. She thanked me for it, but she didn’t seem as enthusiastic about it as Vivian was. Oops. Oh well. Happy birthday, Aurora!
I checked out K.K. Slider’s Saturday night show, and I found Dizzy and Velma in there (sitting at opposite ends, of course). I asked K.K. for a sad song, and he played K.K. Dirge for me.

My recent dream visitors have been Hannah from Flora, Shelby from Willow, Connor from Starloft, Matthew from Moonview, and Daniel from DanWoof. Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your weekend!