Last night, Hornsby told me he prepared a time capsule. He asked me to bury it for him, and I agreed. I put it in the northwest corner of town, in the same exact spot where I buried Boots’ time capsule recently. I don’t know how exactly that works, since you can’t normally bury two things in the same spot, but time capsules seem to be an exception to that rule. They can share the same spot.
Later, Hornsby asked me to make a delivery to Bob…who was standing just a few feet behind him.
I made the delivery, and Bob never revealed what was inside the package. But he did give me a deep-blue tank for my trouble. It was an easy delivery…quite different from the wild goose chase I just went on in the GameCube game the other day. 😉
Not much was going on in town tonight, so I did something I haven’t done lately: I went dancing at Club LOL! Kabuki and Harry were also there.
On the edge of the cliff back in town, I saw a balloon present headed my way. Because I keep my slingshot attached to a letter (where it’s not easily accessible–especially when I’m feeling lazy), I just got my net out instead. Since it was still pretty low, I was able to smack it down with my JVGS net. 😉
It contained a balloon hat, so I put it on.
I used my net for a different purpose a few moments later. I saw Big Top resting on the town’s metal bench, and I used my net to catch his attention. 😛
I felt bad for hitting Big Top in his big head, so I made up with him. I also joined him for a sit on the bench. We’re still friends.
My recent dream visitors have been Grey from Befallen, Connor from Starloft, Mayounna from Amy Rose, Duneska from Astoria, Morgan from Maybelle, and Emma from Zolas. Thanks for stopping by! If anyone else wants to visit my dream town, the dream address is 5D00-000F-7611.
Nice puns! Lol.