Today (October 23rd) is the 2,000th day of Forest’s existence. Hard to believe it’s been that long already! The game doesn’t celebrate it or anything, but still, I thought it was an interesting milestone. If you’d like to revisit my entry from Day 1, here’s the link: Moving In.
Hornsby asked to visit my house today, and I agreed to let him come…but only because he wanted to come right then, as opposed to scheduling a time. I took him on a tour of my house, where I was surprised to see I’ve already decorated for Halloween!
I’m joking, of course. I haven’t redecorated that room in years. Upstairs in my frog room, Hornsby didn’t seem to like the fact that I have plants indoors? What an odd thing to complain about.

After taking him to every room, he finally decided to go home.
Next, I visited Bones, and he said he just cleaned his house.
But that’s kinda funny, because he has a lot of furniture in his house. You don’t normally see animals’ houses this packed.
I found a lost item outside (a mitten), and Molly said it was hers. But since I was standing on a bridge when I gave it back to her, she was holding it at the height of my feet. It looked kinda funny, I thought.

She gave me a cycling tee for my trouble. Shirts aren’t ideal rewards of course, but it’s fine because I didn’t do much work. She was literally the first person animal I asked about the lost mitten.
And over at Re-Tail, Big Top’s eyes nearly popped out of his helmet when he saw a portable toilet. He couldn’t wait to buy it…and break it in. That poor toilet won’t know what hit it.
My recent dream visitors have been Preston from China and Haku from TranTown. Lolly also mentioned dreaming of Jannie from Nintendo. Thanks for visiting, and have a good day and week!