Just like last week, Lolly asked me for a butterfly tonight. And just like last week, I went down to the dock box to get an emperor butterfly for her. In return, she gave me a stripe wall.
I spoke with her again, and she offered to sell me her pickle jar for 800 bells. Sounds like a good dill!
I visited Bones, he was already looking to replace the flea I gave him two weeks ago.

I just happened to have a piece of furniture that can be placed on a table like fish and bugs can…the pickle jar from Lolly, of course! I handed it over, and he said it was perfect. To thank me, he rewarded me with the flea.

Up at Club LOL, Cally and Kabuki were enjoying some music from K.K. Slider. I asked K.K. for a random song, sat next to Kabuki, and listened to a performance of Mountain Song.
My recent dream visitors have been Angelle from Lunaria, Obi from Hogsmead, Yuna from Sredapar, Peter from Clayton, Even from Unicorn, and Lena from Madrid. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day!
Hi Jeff! How are you doin?
Hi Bunny! I’m doing alright, how about you? Looking forward to the new Animal Crossing game next year? I sure am!