Yesterday, Hornsby asked me to dig up his time capsule. I did, and he found a jockey shirt inside. He then gave it to me; no horsing around!

I think this is the last one I have buried in town. Or at least, I hope so.
Today is Thanksgiving in the United States, and that means it’s time for the harvest festival! Let’s get cooking!
If you’re not familiar with how the event works in New Leaf, here’s a quick summary. Franklin the turkey is in town, but this time, he’s a chef. He wants to prepare a four-course meal, and he needs your help to gather ingredients. Some can be found around town by picking mushrooms, gathering fruit, or catching fish. Other ingredients will require that you help out neighbors (who need ingredients of their own). Give Franklin the three ingredients for each dish (and optionally, a secret ingredient to make the dish better).
It’s quite a departure from the harvest festival in earlier games. On GameCube and Wii, Franklin was supposed to be the main course instead! In those games, he hid from villagers, and the player’s job was to collect forks and knives to give them to Franklin in exchange for harvest furniture.
Chef Franklin’s first dish today was a mushroom salad. I gathered a flat mushroom, a round mushroom, vinegar, and an apple (as the secret ingredient) to complete the dish. As a reward, he gave me a fruit basket.
Then he wanted to make some soup (bouillabaisse). I caught an olive flounder, red snapper, and sea bass for the dish. The Mouth of Truth Agent S informed me that a lemon was the secret ingredient to make the fish dish great.
Along the way, I noticed four of my villagers gathered around the bridge.
Franklin gave me a harvest wall for completing the soup. The main course for the harvest festival was some pan-fried olive flounder. It required an olive flounder (obviously), flour, a flat mushroom, and some vinegar for the secret ingredient. My reward this time was a harvest lamp.
The last dish was the town’s dessert: apple pie.
I took an apple, some flour, a lemon, and some honey (from a beehive) to Franklin. I successfully completed all dishes, and my final reward was a cornucopia.

Franklin also made a reference to his GameCube and Wii days.
My recent dream visitors have been Luke from Cow Town, Sarah from Brick, Erik from Listoria, and Luc from Limbo. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you had a great Thanksgiving (for those in the U.S.)!