Yesterday, Boots asked me to go fetch Big Top for him. So I did. Big Top wondered if Boots was mad for some reason, but it turns out Boots was just trying to make Big Top do some exercise!

As you might expect, Big Top was not happy about that.

Big Top stormed out of the house, and Boots gave me a compass for my trouble.
Today (December 21st) is the winter solstice, and the sun doesn’t come up at all. It’s dark from morning to night.

Isabelle was standing at the event plaza, freezing her butt off.

She gave me a glow wand for the special occasion. In theory, the glow wand would help me see as I made my way around town in the dark. But it actually does no such thing; it just looks pretty.

Near Isabelle, there is a face-cutout standee for the winter solstice. I stuck my face through it for a picture.

I’ve been continuing to collect Toy Day hints, and I’ve now finished up my list! Here’s what everyone in Forest wants for Toy Day:
- Agent S: orange wallpaper
- Aurora: yellow toy
- Big Top: orange furniture
- Bones: gray household appliance
- Boots: black furniture
- Hornsby: pink umbrella
- Lolly: orange clothing
- Molly: orange home appliance
- Rolf: brown instrument
- Vivian: gray outfit
Vivian asked me to catch an ocean fish for her, so I went down to the ocean. The first fish I caught was a red snapper! That’s a relatively valuable fish to give to a villager, but I did it anyway to be nice. And Vivian repaid my kindness by giving me…a potty. Great.

When I spoke to Bones, he informed me that he’ll be moving out of town on December 29th. I’m letting him go. He’s been a good dog, but I’d prefer having villagers that stay up later at night.

My recent dream visitors have been Natalie from Florence, Kody from Booville, Max from Greenvil, and Luciana from Valencia. Thanks for stopping by! I’ll probably be back with another blog entry on Christmas Eve. Happy holidays, everyone!
I’ll be sad to see Bones go, but it’s been a while since we’ve seen a new face in Forest so I’m excited for that!