On Tuesday, Rolf had fallen asleep inside his house. When I tried to talk to him, he was screaming for help after seeing a big cockroach in his dream.
Once he realized it was just a dream, he was embarrassed. He told me to erase it from my memory and not tell it to anyone. Sure thing.
Outside, I spotted the northern lights for the first time this season.
On Wednesday, I met up with Hamlet on Main Street. He’ll be jogging around here for a while now. 
Today, Lolly asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek, and I agreed. She gave me ten minutes to find her, Molly, and Aurora…the three short, cute villagers! (Well, I guess Agent S would fit that description too).
Within seconds, I found Molly behind a nearby tree. After about a minute, I spotted Lolly trying to hide behind the Sphinx’s butt.
And with six and a half minutes remaining, I found Aurora hiding behind Agent S’s house. Lolly gave me an alarm clock for winning the game.
Next to Booker’s house (and the face-cutout standee), I found a mushroom. Well, it was actually a mush bed, but that means it’s been there since November! Oops!
Big Top asked me to catch a bagworm for him, and that meant I would have to shake some trees. Fearing that I’d get stung by bees in the process, I bought some medicine at the shop.
It got me thinking about the medicine in Animal Crossing. A villager can take medicine every day and be cured of a cold in a week or less.
But if your face is severely swollen and disfigured from an intense allergic reaction to a bee sting, well it can fix that up instantly.
Anyway, I did encounter four bees before finding a bagworm. I caught three of them, and the 4th I avoided by running indoors. I didn’t need that medicine, after all! But eventually, I caught a bagworm and took it over to Big Top.
He rewarded me with a two-ball tee
If you saw my December Haul post over on Jeff’s Gaming Blog, you’ll know that I got a few new Amiibo figures for Christmas. I decided to scan one of them, K.K. Slider, tonight. This is a look at the outside of K.K.’s RV.
And this is what it looks like inside. I ordered myself that metal-rim table.
I thought it was interesting that K.K. was wearing clothes in his RV. Most people get dressed to go to work, but he apparently undresses for work.
Speaking of his job, I wanted to go check out Club LOL to see if Wisp would be DJing tonight while K.K. camps. Unfortunately, the club was closed for the day instead.
My recent dream visitors have been Siasuar from Covenant, Grace from Glittera, Rudy from Geetown, and Fern from Eutopia. Thanks for stopping by, and have a good weekend!