I played on New Year’s Day…but it was after midnight, so it was technically January 2nd. The face-cutout standee for New Year’s Day was still up, but Isabelle was gone. So I missed out on the zodiac boar! I was so busy playing City Folk and Wild World that I forgot about New Leaf’s New Year item! Oops!

I got Bones’ goodbye letter in the mail, and he sent me his picture along with it (though I already had one).
Yesterday, Xavier offered me a zodiac boar and I went to his town of Quigley to pick it up. While I was there, he gave me a tour of his town. He has dedicated many of his PWPs to villagers (or former villagers). This was Pashmina’s wisteria trellis.

I also chatted with most of his villagers. I like how in this picture, the rainbow appears to be going over Puddles’ head.

Zucker really seems to love sushi.

I even chatted with a taller, nicer version of Ursala–she seems nothing like the Ursala I know from my GameCube town.

I also visited Xavier’s house; I think my favorite room was the ice room.

He also has an impressive gallery of villager pictures.

I enjoyed the visit to Quigley, Xavier. Thank you once again for the zodiac boar! Speaking of the boar, I took a look at it in my house today.

I listened in on a conversation between Molly and Boots tonight. Molly said she loves reading because she loves to daydream about other worlds.

Boots could relate, in his own way, because he feels equally passionate about exercise.

They were happy to find some common ground, despite being so different.

My recent dream visitors have been Yepo from Purell and Bella from Rosewood. Thank you for stopping by, and have a great day!
That’s because Ursala’s personality changed from snooty to uchi.
Hello Jeff! As a “thank you” for being such an amazing inspiration for me, I would like to say, I got a power saves for Christmas and it could import any item in the game and bells. Please let me give you an item for Christmas. Just reply to what one and we will talk more! Thanks so much, Jeff!
I’m not looking for any items, but thank you.
What would your reaction be if Jambette moved in to Forest? (here’s mine: noooooooooooo!)
Haha, my reaction would be similar to yours. I don’t want Jambette anywhere near my town.
Jambette… *shudder* I think she camped in my town one time. I didn’t even say hi. I’m grateful I’ve never had any truly atrocious residents (well, Naomi disturbed me).
Incidentally, if you ever want someone from my town, let me know. (Alice and Puddles stay.)
You’re quite welcome, Jeff. I’m always happy to help out. (I can scan in Felyne sometime so you can get your very own Poogie, the pig we were playing with.) It was great having you visit my humble little town! You’re welcome to visit again anytime. Gayle even mentioned you shortly after you left! She liked meeting you. I found the elusive Murphy moments after you left, and Iggly changed his mind about moving, so Iggly of Quigley stays a while longer. And now Keaton’s moving in!
Funny thing, my picture collection unexpectedly grew by two today. Ursala gave me another picture when I gave her a perfect orange, and Zucker gave me another picture when I gave him… a sushi menu. Seriously!
I forgot to take a picture of the little squealer.
Congrats on the new pictures!
I gotta find my Monster Hunter amiibo. My figures are in a storage container at the moment until I can get some new shelves after having moved across the country.