Yesterday, Lolly wanted to buy a space shuttle I was carrying. I always agree to everything Lolly asks of me, unless it’s a petition that requires visiting another town.

Tonight, Merka came over for a rare visit. She was collecting signatures for a petition, and I noticed that she was standing quite far from Vivian as they talked.

We traded some fruit, and I gave her a zodiac dog that I had been saving for her since January of last year. She also took a tour of my house, which probably hasn’t changed much since the last time she visited.
There was a meteor shower underway, so we stopped to wish on some shooting stars.

We discussed Animal Crossing Switch, and thought about what we might name our towns. I’ll probably use Forest again, since it’s basically a tradition of mine at this point. But if there’s a way to make a 2nd town, I think I’ll use Aja Blu for it. It’s a name I came up with a few months ago, and I’ve used it for some temporary towns on GameCube.
Merka left to go get some lunch, so I ended the session. I made my rounds, and then just before midnight, I went over to Club LOL. K.K. Slider played K.K. Song for me.

My recent dream visitors have been Oihana from Capitole, Tiffany from PuffPuff, Emma from Fiville, and Temera from Anthos. Lolly also mentioned dreaming of Chloe from Happy.

Aja Blu sounds like a great town name as a second town (if it happens)!
I’m having my main town based on Animal Village from the Animal Crossing Movie, like an evolved version of it.
I just wonder, who is Merka?
The Magical, Mysterious Merka? She’s a wizard!
She went by the name Skye in the ACCF days, in case you’ve watched my old Wi-Fi Moments videos.