Yesterday, I found a lost mitten on the ground. Fortunately, it belonged to the first person I asked about it: Hornsby! He gave me a jagged tee for helping him out.

The April fishing tournament was held today, but of course I missed it. But I saw on the bulletin board that Aurora was the winner, Rolf finished in 2nd place, and Claudia was 3rd.
I spoke with Vivian, and she told me about a dream she had. She said there was a person named Gracie who was a stump maker! Naturally, I thought of Gracie the giraffe.

Up at Club LOL, Peck told me that he just went jogging! I don’t think I believe him.

I asked K.K. Slider to play a random song, and he performed The K. Funk for me, Peck, and Tom.

According to Luna, my recent dream visitors have been Hoolee from Choo Box and Gracie from Scranton. So I guess it wasn’t Gracie the giraffe after all. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day!