I recently found Donkey Kong Al camping at the campground. I wouldn’t want him to live in my town, but I’ll allow him to camp here.

I spotted Lolly tonight, which is not something I do every day. She called me a bell-pincher, she asked me for a new catchphrase, and I talked with her over and over. Until she got tired of chatting with me, of course.

I went over to Club LOL, and I found Daisy and Velma there. Velma said she was there looking for a microscope? She’s not a very good liar.

I asked K.K. Slider for a random song, and he performed K.K. Tango.

Back in town, I saw that the entrance to the Reset Surveillance Center was open, so I dropped in for a visit. Resetti wasn’t there, but I tried to chat with Don. But even though I talked to him five times, this is all he would say:

Tomorrow is Bunny Day. I don’t plan on taking part in the festivities, but good luck to you if you’re giving it a go. Check out my Bunny Day Guide if you need any help, or want to check the full list of egg furniture to make sure you didn’t miss anything.
Also, I saw on the bulletin board that Weeding Day is coming up on April 26th (Friday) in America. I’ll have to try to remember to check it out.
My recent dream visitors have been Luke from Luke’s, De from Mag Mell, and Allison from Linville. Thanks for stopping by!