Balancing Rewards

Saharah was in town yesterday, and Claudia was telling me to look for her to get some new carpet and wallpaper. However, Claudia spelled Saharah’s name wrong! She left off the “h” at the end!

Claudia: If you've been wanting to jazz up your place a little, you should visit Sahara [sic] while she's in town.

Boots asked me for some perfect fruit tonight, so I picked a perfect peach for him. He loved it!

Boots: Yummahumma!

But the reward he gave me wasn’t quite as exciting. It was a wooden box.

Boots: Thanks for finding the fruit for me! I'd like you to have a reward--my wooden box.
You shouldn’t have.

My town has a lot of stray, extra flowers that I don’t really need. So I started cleaning them up a little. But since Re-Tail was already closed for the night, I just used my shovel.

A bunch of holes left where I dug up some flowers in my Animal Crossing: New Leaf town.

Vivian asked me for some new furniture, and I knew just what to give her…the wooden box from Boots. She actually loved it!

Vivian: It's the perfect touch, Mr. J!

In return, she gave me the item that the box replaced in her house: an archaeopteryx! A fossil for a wooden box? That’s a good deal! I guess the rewards balanced out in the end, after all.

My recent dream visitors have been Ethan from Coffee, Shy Guy from Celestia, Chloe from Auroura, and Grant from Kentucky. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day!

Summer Solstice 2019

Lolly told me that she found someone’s diary recently, and the entries were all like this:

Lolly: It said: Day one: Played a lot. Day two: Played a lot today too. Day three: ...Sure played a lot.

Yesterday, Big Top told me that he was looking for some new furniture to replace his coelacanth.

Big Top: It's redecorating time at Casa Big Top. Right now, I've got a coelacanth.

I was hoping that if I gave him some furniture to replace it, he would give me the coelacanth. Re-Tail didn’t have any furniture that was the right size though, and the Emporium only had one: a flat-screen TV that cost 4,800 bells. I bought it for Big Top, and he loved it. But when he went to give me my reward, he only handed over a birdbath. Oof.

Big Top: It's a birdbath! Thank you, skippy!

Today was the summer solstice, the official start of summer in the northern hemisphere. In the game, it means that the sun stays out all night. I chatted with Isabelle at the event plaza, and she gave me some ladder shades.

Isabelle: Hello, Mayor! Today is the Summer Solstice, so don't expect to see the moon at all tonight!

I put the sunglasses on for the day, although I probably won’t keep them much beyond today.

Jeff tries on the ladder shades in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

It’s always weird to see nighttime bugs out in broad daylight, like fireflies and emperor butterflies.

I caught an emperor butterfly! Feeling blue, Your Majesty?

Lolly wanted me to collect some signatures for a petition: More Rainy Days in 2019. Are you crazy? It’s already been one of the rainiest years I can remember! No way!

Lolly: My latest mission is collecting signatures for my petition, More Rainy Days in 2019.

I found a lost item (a bag) on the ground, so I went around asking my neighbors about it. I eventually found out that it belonged to Molly. She said there was an important recipe inside, and she thanked me for returning it by giving me her cherry.

Molly: In terms of a reward, this is all I have on me right now. I hope you like my cherry!

My recent dream visitors have been Vero from Cascada, Piper from Canoli, Lulu from Oaktree, and Maddie from Solstice (how appropriate). Have a great day and I’ll see you next time!

Tom Nook’s Picture

I recently realized that even though I have Tom Nook’s Amiibo card, I apparently never scanned it in New Leaf before. So I did it, and I was able to receive a gift from him. (I couldn’t see his RV, since I only have his card and not his Amiibo figure). But that gift was his picture!

Wisp, appearing as Tom Nook: OK! Here it is. It's a vintage picture of Tom Nook. Enjoy!

His favorite quote is on the back: “I’ll be there with bells on! Ho ho!”

Quote on Tom Nook's picture: I'll be there with bells on! Ho ho!

On Thursday, I helped out Gulliver (he was heading to China). When I went back up to town, I noticed Gulliver down on the beach, looking up at me. Stop watching me!

Gulliver looks up at me from the beach.

When I started up the game today, Big Top quickly informed me that the awards ceremony was canceled. I didn’t even know there was an event today!

Big Top: I can't believe it! The awards ceremony was canceled.

That event was the Bug-Off, as I saw on the bulletin board. Agent S was the winner. Congrats, squirrel-friend!

~Bug-Off Results~ The winner of the Bug-Off was Agent S, 59 Pts. 2nd: Lolly, 44 Pts. 3rd: Boots, 38 Pts.

Lolly told me that she likes to hang her laundry on her fishing pole! I don’t think that sounds like a good idea…but then again, I’m not a cat.

Lolly: The fact that my clothes smell like the river later is all part of the fun!

When I visited Vivian, she asked if I ever wear makeup!

Vivian: This might seem like a weird question, Mr. J, but do you ever wear makeup?

She must be the new Avon lady in Forest, and she’s trying to drum up some new sales. She should try Claudia. Claudia could use some help in the beauty department (and in other departments as well). 😛

If you haven’t heard the news by now, the next Animal Crossing game has a title and a release date! Animal Crossing: New Horizons is set to come out on March 20, 2020. If you’d like, check out my full reveal impressions.

My recent dream visitors have been Brad from Montrose, Adam from Skylake, Laeti from Boucanet, and LouLou from Leigh. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend!