Puddle Jumping

On a rainy day this week, Lolly gave me a helpful tip. She said that if I go jumping in puddles, I should dry off later…in five years. I will definitely do that.

Hello!! If you go jumping into puddles, be sure to dry off later, in 5 years.

Tuesday (July 2nd) was Agent S’s birthday, so I made sure to attend her party.

Agent S: I'm so happy you're here just to celebrate little ol' ME! I feel like the most special gal in town!

I gave her a stripe shelf as her birthday present, and she was thankful to receive a gift. Claudia was also at the party to help Agent S celebrate.

Claudia: Nothing beats a birthday party. The gifts, the games, the cake...and the frosting. Mmmm!

The next day, I chatted with Claudia outdoors. She was spreading lies about Molly. How dare her!

Claudia: Did you know that Molly is allergic to cafe au lait? Ha! I just made that up.

Today, Boots asked me to return an item he borrowed from Lolly. I was happy to help, but Lolly thought the item smelled sweaty!

Lolly: Is it me, or does it smell kind of sweaty?

She was still happy to have it back, and she rewarded me with… a women’s recruit suit?

Lolly: It's a women's recruit suit! I really hope you like it.
Uh, thanks.

At Club LOL, I asked K.K. Slider for a random song. He played To The Edge for me, Hippeux, and Daisy. I think Daisy might have a crush on K.K.

K.K. Slider performs at Club LOL as Daisy and Jeff look on.

After that, I returned home to play Desert Island Escape on my Wii U console. I tried using Lolly, Vivian, and Aurora…but it didn’t end up well. I ran out of food, and I think they all D.I.E.d.

Escape failed...

My recent dream visitors have been Princess from Disney, Rosali from Lunari, Emi from Merida, and Teddy from Rain. Thanks for stopping by!

20 thoughts on “Puddle Jumping”

  1. Hi Jeff! I just want to say i love your blogs, and ive been subscribed to your channel for quite some time now. on my old town Florali, I visited your town in the Dream Suite, but on my new one (Aurora) I am in the progress of paying off the Dream Suite so I can visit again.

  2. Hey! Just wanted to say I thoroughly enjoy your blogs and read them whenever I get the chance. I found your blogs on Pintrest, and I’ve been checking in ever since. I hope you continue to keep making these blogs!

  3. Since everyone is recommending their towns, I guess I will too.
    My code is:
    I’ve only had one vistor, someone named Adley from Moolala. You don’t have to visit thr town, but my town just’s a standard town, not really too special because I don’t play often just at least once a week.

  4. Hi? I posted a comment but I guess it deleted. I’m Rosali of Lunari, and I wanted to say I loved your town! We have double doubles; Claudia and Lolly! Lol!
    Sorry to advertise but I’d like your feedback on my town, Lunari! The dream address is listed below. Just a note that my town is only one month old so don’t expect lotsa Public Works Projects xD
    I’ve also been a major fan of your videos (Signed outta Youtube lol) so I’m glad to have discovered this blog and see that you’re still active!!

    1. Hello! It wasn’t deleted, but the blog holds comments for moderation (especially from new commenters) until I’m able to approve them. So there may be a delay until the comments show up.

      I don’t use the Dream Suite much any more, and I get lots of town suggestions, so it may be a while until I visit. And I don’t normally offer feedback on each dream I visit, but I’ll make a note of it and see what I can do.

      I’m glad you enjoy the videos. Thanks for stopping by the blog!

      1. Oh alrighty xD sorry for spamming 。- 。
        I understand, I won’t pester you òwó
        thanks for taking the time to reply!

        1. Haha, it’s no problem. 🙂 It happens. Usually after someone has commented regularly, it will start automatically approving that user’s comments, so hopefully future comments will appear quicker.

  5. Oh! Now I remember visiting, choosing “Random” town or whatever that option was.
    I remember thinking, “Hey, this town has some cool paths… And is that Lolly and Claudia? Two doubles!” xD

  6. Oml! I’m Rosali! That’s awesome! xD
    I shall advertise my dream address and ask for feedback as well. My town is only one month old, but as a friend put it, it has the process of a 5 month old one. I think that’s exaggerating a tad bit xD anyway the dream address is here:
    I’d Appreciate ANY feedback!!!

  7. Just visited Forest. Loved it!!
    (Btw’s my dream address is 5E00-0152-B6D5 if you’d want to visit. I’d love some feedback about my town so I could improve it more.”

    1. Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed your dream of Forest! I haven’t been using the Dream Suite much lately, and I have a number of previous dream town suggestions already, so I may not be able to visit in a timely manner. But I’ll make a note of it.

        1. Oops!! Sorry duplicates. I didn’t know if it was posted or not… Also, I’m super tired because I just got my surgery on my foot and I still feel numb after it.

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