Boots’ Birthday 2019

On Wednesday, Lolly asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek with her. I agreed, and she gave me 15 minutes to find her, Rolf, and Agent S. Within a couple of minutes, I found Agent S behind a tree near Re-Tail, and Rolf was…well, I think he was pooping behind a tree near my house!

Rolf makes a strained face as he hides behind a tree during a game of hide and seek.

And with a whopping 11 minutes remaining in the game, I found Lolly hiding behind her own house!

Lolly peeks out from behind her house during a game of hide-and-seek in Animal Crossing: New Leaf (ACNL) for Nintendo 3DS.

She gave me an exercise bike as my prize for winning. I guess I need it for exercise, since I didn’t get much exercise finding them so quickly! πŸ˜›

Lolly: to thank you for playing with us, we're giving you an exercise bike!

I later spotted Rolf fishing off the edge of the cliff! That’s not something you see every day.

Rolf fishes from the cliff.

Lolly asked me for some new furniture, so I gave her a record player. In return, she gave me a chocolate fountain. Mmm, delicious!

Lolly: Here's my chocolate fountain! Thank you so much for helping me!

Today was Boots’ birthday, and I made sure to attend his party. I gave him the chocolate fountain as his birthday present. Don’t worry, it still had some chocolate left in it. I didn’t eat all of it. πŸ˜›

Boots: Oh, nice! I've always wanted a chocolate fountain!

Rolf was also in attendance, to help Boots celebrate…and to eat cake, of course.

Rolf: Times like this help deepen the bonds between friends. Plus, you get to mooch some cake! GAHAHA!

Back outside, I was surprised to see a silver slingshot floating by!

A silver slingshot flies over Jeff's head.

After shooting it down, I checked to see if I already had one in storage. I thought I had one somewhere, but apparently not. At least, I couldn’t find it. So I put it into storage for now.

Big Top asked me to give him a gold nugget in exchange for a frilly apron, which is one of the worst trades I’ve ever been offered. But since I’m so desperate to shake the “bell pincher” label, I made the exchange. It may not actually make a difference, since bells weren’t involved, but I didn’t want to take a chance.

My recent dream visitors have been Ruby from Astoria and Alyce from Outremer. Thanks for stopping by!

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