Boots’ Secret Lair

Claudia asked me for some furniture to replace her regal bed last night. It’s a large (2×2) piece of furniture, and not a lot of furniture items are that big. The Emporium had only one piece that size, a lunar lander. So I bought it and took it over to Claudia. She initially seemed quite surprised at my choice.

Claudia: Oh, Jeff! You selected a lunar lander for me?
Well, you are a little loony.

But then she said she loved it. She gave me her regal bed to thank me.

Claudia: I simply adore it, ooh la la!

When I entered Boots’ house, Boots was surprised that I found his secret lair. Never mind the fact that he’s lived here for over two years.

Boots: Oh! Beefcake! You, uh, found your way into my secret lair... I howled!

I’m just surprised how Boots’ house still looks much like it did in the “countdown” days in 2017.

When I spoke to Boots again, he said something I definitely did not want to hear:

Boots: You've been the subject of some gossip lately. Rumor has it you're a bell-pincher.

I’m already back to being a bell pincher! Just for that, I should find some pliers and pinch his bells! But regardless, I don’t feel like chopping all my palm trees down again. Maybe I just need to accept I’m stuck with this reputation.

At the campground, Harvey had a do-not-enter sign for sale. It just made me think of how this would be more useful in New Horizons, where you could actually put it outdoors.

Harvey: Ah! So you're interested in my do-not-enter sign...

Tonight, I attended the Saturday night musical performance from K.K. Slider at Club LOL. K.K. played a waltz for me and Peck. (But no, we didn’t dance together).

K.K.: Enough tuning--let's groove. This next one is for you, Jeff. It's called K.K. Waltz.

Luna informed me that my recent dream visitors have been George from Egg and Anna from Earth. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great night (or day)!

Trophy Collection Complete

My hard work cutting down trees has paid off. On Monday, Boots called me a stump maker!

Boots: You've been the subject of some gossip lately. Rumor has it you're a stump maker.

Anyone new to the blog may think that sounds absurd. But I was so tired of being called a bell-pincher that I got my axe out and summoned my inner lumberjeff lumberjack and chopped my way to a new reputation.

I’m still trying to earn Lolly’s picture, so I always accept her trade offers…even when they’re extremely one-sided. That included this trade where I gave her an arapaima for a chevron shirt!

Lolly: So would you consider trading your arapaima for my chevron shirt?
Lolly takes Jeff's arapaima.

On Thursday, I was quite surprised when I fell into a pitfall!

Jeff struggles to get out of a pitfall in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
What the hole?

The fact that it was in that location means that someone must have fallen into the pitfall I had buried behind my face-cutout standee. (If there is already a pitfall buried in town, new ones won’t appear). I later replaced that one.

Today, the final Bug-Off of the year was held.

Nat: Would you believe this is the final Bug-Off of the season? Terrible shame, but don't let it affect you!

I gave Nat (the judge) a tiger butterfly, and he gave it a score of 53 points. It took over the top spot, but I wasn’t trying to win. I saved and quit my game, only to return after 6 p.m. Claudia ended up being the winner, with a 65-point walking stick. I got 2nd place, and Aurora finished in 3rd.

Claudia celebrates a Bug-Off win, while Jeff gets 2nd place and Aurora finishes in 3rd.

Outside, Claudia gloated about her win.

Claudia: I knew we'd both do well in this tournament, Jeff.
Claudia: But I also knew I'd be standing at least one step higher at the end! Ooh la la, no hard feelings.

Sure, Claudia wasn’t exactly being nice about it. But 2nd place is exactly what I was trying to get! That’s because the silver bug trophy was the only trophy I still needed. So now, my trophy collection is complete!

Jeff's complete trophy collection at the museum.

Lolly told me a story about some pressed pansies…

Lolly: Can I confied in you? I pressed some yellow pansies between books to make decorations later.

She somehow mistook them for tea leaves and she made Hornsby drink her pressed-pansy tea!

Lolly: Then the other day, I mistook them for tea leaves...
Lolly: And I accidentally made Hornsby drink my pressed-flower tea! Please don't tell him about it!
He may never stop over for tea again.

My recent dream visitors have been Kodi from Fantasia, B.D. from Cannton, and Rachel from Xmas. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day!

Autumn Moon 2019

On Wednesday, Lolly told me she thought I could use a baby bed. Wait, why? Are you trying to tell me something?

Lolly: Um, chap. I hope this isn't presumptuous, but I think you could use a baby bed.

However, she said she just found it while she was cleaning her room? And it reminded her of me, so that’s why she gave it to me. So…is she calling me a baby?

Back outside, Boots was jealous of a cricket I caught. For some reason.

Boots: Whoa! Check you out with your cricket!
Boots: I am so jealous! You've got an eye for rare treasures!
You think a cricket is a rare treasure? You must be easy to buy gifts for.

He offered to exchange his paw tee for my cricket, and I agreed to the trade.

I was sick and tired of everyone calling me a bell-pincher, despite me always agreeing to buy my villagers’ overpriced junk. I’d even prefer being called a stump maker, which isn’t exactly the most positive label either. So I chopped down all my palm trees on the beach.

Jeff chops down a banana tree in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

However, that wasn’t enough; Boots still called me a bell-pincher. So I chopped down a few other trees as well. I’ll have to wait and see if my label has changed yet. If not, I’ll keep chopping down trees (and replanting them when necessary).

Tonight, Boots asked me for some new furniture, so I gave him a bird feeder that I had in my pockets. He loved it, and he thanked me by giving me his picture. I’ve received his pic multiple times before, but I appreciate the gesture. Now if only Lolly would do the same…

Boots: This Boots's pic ought to work for you, beefcake! Thanks a bunch for your help!

Tonight was the night of the autumn moon (harvest moon), so there was a scarecrow on a face-cutout standee at the event plaza.

Jeff celebrates the autumn moon by sticking his face into a scarecrow's hole.

Isabelle was also nearby, handing out wheat bundles.

Isabelle: To celebrate Autumn Moon tonight, I prepared wheat bundles for everyone. Would you like one?

And up at Club LOL, K.K. Slider performed K.K. Marathon for me and Velma.

My recent dream visitors have been Jade from Rosewood, Logan from Noire, Emily from Rathwood, Lottie from Cake, Zoey from Oakland, and Kaine from Flavour. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day!