Boots’ Secret Lair

Claudia asked me for some furniture to replace her regal bed last night. It’s a large (2×2) piece of furniture, and not a lot of furniture items are that big. The Emporium had only one piece that size, a lunar lander. So I bought it and took it over to Claudia. She initially seemed quite surprised at my choice.

Claudia: Oh, Jeff! You selected a lunar lander for me?
Well, you are a little loony.

But then she said she loved it. She gave me her regal bed to thank me.

Claudia: I simply adore it, ooh la la!

When I entered Boots’ house, Boots was surprised that I found his secret lair. Never mind the fact that he’s lived here for over two years.

Boots: Oh! Beefcake! You, uh, found your way into my secret lair... I howled!

I’m just surprised how Boots’ house still looks much like it did in the “countdown” days in 2017.

When I spoke to Boots again, he said something I definitely did not want to hear:

Boots: You've been the subject of some gossip lately. Rumor has it you're a bell-pincher.

I’m already back to being a bell pincher! Just for that, I should find some pliers and pinch his bells! But regardless, I don’t feel like chopping all my palm trees down again. Maybe I just need to accept I’m stuck with this reputation.

At the campground, Harvey had a do-not-enter sign for sale. It just made me think of how this would be more useful in New Horizons, where you could actually put it outdoors.

Harvey: Ah! So you're interested in my do-not-enter sign...

Tonight, I attended the Saturday night musical performance from K.K. Slider at Club LOL. K.K. played a waltz for me and Peck. (But no, we didn’t dance together).

K.K.: Enough tuning--let's groove. This next one is for you, Jeff. It's called K.K. Waltz.

Luna informed me that my recent dream visitors have been George from Egg and Anna from Earth. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great night (or day)!