
Last night, my least-favorite villager Claudia asked me for some new furniture.

Claudia: Yes, please find me something that will make my home decor great again, Tiny J!

I gave her a stove, and she knew it was a 🔥 gift. In return, she gave me an astro table.

Claudia: This seems very fitting for my home, if I died! You've got good taste, Tiny J.

I accidentally fell into the pitfall behind the face-cutout standee. It’s quite fitting, because that’s about how things are going for me lately.

Jeff falls into a pitfall.

I made a delivery to Molly tonight, and it was a moldy shirt!

Molly: It's the moldy shirt I had my eye on!

She tried it on and asked how it looked. I chose the “Um…” option, and she said she’d have to study fashion trends so that I’ll have something nice to say next time. I guess nobody appreciates the truth any more.

Molly: I'm going to gave to study fashion trends so you'll have nicer things to say next time.

At Club LOL, K.K. Slider performed K.K. Lullaby for me, Peck, and Elise.

K.K.: Here's a jam that makes the blues seem like old news... K.K. Lullaby.

Agent S asked me to catch a clownfish for her, and I fished in the ocean until I caught one. Fortunately, it only took me a few minutes. Agent S was happy to get it! 🤡🐟

Agent S: Woohoo! You caught a fish for me, in a nut!
Actually I caught it in the ocean.

In return, she gave me a mountain standee. That sure peaked my interest.

Meanwhile, Vivian was having a nice night relaxing on the metal bench. Sounds like a good idea. It is a nice, clear night, after all.

Vivian: This is where I come at the end of the week to unwind.

According to Luna, my recent dream visitors include Kitten from Kawaii and Hannah from Vibe. Lolly also mentioned dreaming of Aurora from Treeland. Thanks for stopping by!

Computer Salescat

There was a rock right outside of Re-Tail today. Even though I haven’t been playing a lot of New Leaf lately, that was clearly a fake rock. It stuck out like a sore thumb.

A fake rock right outside of Re-Tail's door.

As Big Top made abundantly clear, it was a dark and stormy night tonight. 😛

Big Top: It was a dark and stormy night... And it's still a dark and stormy night.

Boots had a surprise gift for me tonight: a trash bin!

Boots: Cleats! Look, just take my trash bin, and don't say a word about it!

Rolf also had a free item for me, and I was pumped!

Rolf: Ta-da-aa-hh! You're the lucky winner of my gas pump! Congrats!

Hornsby asked me for a butterfly, so I grabbed an emperor butterfly from my dock box. He thanked me for it, and gave me a freezer in return.

My favorite villager Lolly is apparently a computer salescat now!

Lolly: Would you be interested in buying a computer?

She offered it to me for 1,376 bells, and I chomped at the byte to help Lolly out. 😛

At Club LOL, K.K. Slider performed K.K. Love Song for me, Julian, and Elise. I’ve always enjoyed that song…even if I don’t enjoy Elise. 😛

K.K. Slider performs as Julian, Jeff, and Elise look on.

According to Luna, my recent dream visitors include Emanuel from TAvilage and Joseph from Fun St. Lolly also mentioned dreaming of Yopying from Robloxia. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend. 🙂

Lolly’s Sock Hop

Peck, a possible criminal, was at Club LOL tonight, joining Hamlet and me for a musical performance. 😉

Peck: This is not a case of the criminal returning to the scene of the crime!
Sure, that’s what they all say.

I asked K.K. Slider for a random song, and he performed K.K. Parade for us.

K.K.: Enough tuning--let's groove. This next one is for you, Jeff. It's called K.K. Parade.

Back in town, Rolf told me he was on patrol tonight. Boots claimed there were a bunch of pitfall seeds buried around his house, so he asked Rolf to check it out. Of course, Boots was just paranoid and there were no pitfall seeds. As if I would do a thing like that! 😉

Then again, maybe Peck did it.

A fishing tournament was held today, but I could only check the list of winners on the bulletin board. Claudia was the winner, but it makes me feel a bit better to see that it was a sea bass-only tournament. If it meant she caught the most sea bass, then I’m okay with her winning. 😂

Lolly told me a funny story about something that happened when she visited Rolf. She went to take her shoes off, and then she noticed she had a hole in her sock! To keep Rolf from noticing, she hopped around on one leg!

Lolly: I didn't want him to notice, so I hid my foot, but then I had to hop around the house on one leg.
That would’ve been funny to see.
Lolly: On the plus side, I looked so weird hopping around that he didn't notice the hole in my sock.
That’s a win!

I recently posted my annual slideshow of the best screenshots I’ve taken over the past year. Here is The 7th Year in Pictures. I hope you enjoy this look back at the past year! 🙂

According to Luna, my most recent dream visitor was Chichi from Treehaus. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day, everyone! 🙂