I received Claudia’s goodbye letter in the mail when I started up the game this evening. She sent me her picture!

Her favorite quote (on the back of the photo) is “A tiger can’t change its stripes.”

It’s my 34th villager pic. After I put it into storage with the others, Big Top barged into my house. He compared being in my house to the comfort of wearing fuzzy slippers…at the zoo.

I spoke to him a few times until he gave me a gift–a polka-dot sofa. I then sat down until he decided to leave.
When I visited Inkwell, he told me he recently nabbed a jewelry thief: Lolly!

But he quickly realized his mistake: Lolly was just carrying marbles.

Saharah was in town, and I paid her 3,000 bells for some new wallpaper and flooring. She installed a meadow vista and a lunar surface. I like both of them, but they don’t exactly go together.

Outside, I rolled up today’s snowballs in an attempt to make a snowmam. However, I ended up making a snowtyke by mistake. He complained about not having the rest of his family around. That’s how I feel about New Horizons only having snowboys.

At the Dream Suite, Luna informed me that Momo from Moonopia was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for stopping by!
If all goes well, I’ll be back with another entry on Friday. Happy holidays!